Thursday, July 2, 2020

Sun trine Mars

So yesterday I played tennis with the Raspberries, of whom I am thrilled to be one, and then went to Walmart to take back the Tracfone sim card kit I bought last week, which was supposed to have a regular, smaller (?) and nano sim card in it, except all the cards were exactly the same size and none of them fit into my new iPhone I've been threatening to buy for the past two years but have been putting  off because of exactly what's happening now.

So I tell the nice young man at the counter that none of the cards fit, and he tells me they will, so I ask him to put one in my new phone which I have very cleverly taken with me, and he does, and tells me I'll just have to trial and error to get the correct one of the three in the kit as I've mixed them all up in my attempts to get them to fit.

So I say thank you and come back to the house and take a photo of the one he put in its little tray, so I'll know just how it fits, and then I try the OLD sim card I've taken out of my poor little 5 SE and try to fit it into the new phone tray, as ENG told me I could do last week, and lo and behold, this time it fits, and I'm able to restore the back up I made from the old phone into the new phone, and all I have to do now is call tracfone and give them the serial number of the new phone and have them switch service over and I'm in business.

Piece o'cake.

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