Friday, July 31, 2020

Jupiter trine Jupiter

"They" (astrologers) are right when they say this one could go over your head if you're not paying attention. Every little aspect of your own little life seems to go swimmingly, without any effort on your part.

You're selling off a lot of no-longer-needed household stuff and the local Women's Club decides to hold a sale at the end of August and you book a booth. 

Just as you've decided to look at the idea notes you've been keeping since March, The Dramatists Guild (I'd link, but somehow this new version of Blogger keeps telling me "page not found" so I'm giving up) invites you to a Sunday Zoom Seminar on where *Theater* is going these days, and then the presenter announces a ten-week course on his techniques for playwriting, so you sign up and have to pay through PayPal and discover you have $330 sitting there that you didn't know you had, so the course is free and you have $80 left over.

A friend comes to stay for the weekend and is enough of a friend to relieve you of your old not-very-intelligent TV and give you $25 for it, no less, and another $25 for  *items* that won't be going to the Women's Club.

And even when your new TV proves to be defective the woman at Best Buy's Customer Service puts shipping a new one in motion, sends shipping labels for the old 'un of course, and while I haven't pursued it yet, it looks as though I can have UPS come and pick it up.

If I didn't know about astrology I think I'd think a good fairy was waving a magic wand over me.

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