Sunday, August 2, 2020

Sun sextile Uranus

I have no idea why I can no longer link to anything and get "Not Found Error 404" whenever I try. I could make it my day's ambition to figure it out but I think I'll wait till I make the leap to Google Photos and start adding images to this, whenever that may be. In the meantime I'll stick to boring old text.

So yesterday I was supposed to be not very disciplined, which is quite amusing as I haven't been very disciplined since 9/11, and the only time I was was when I was doing airbnb and had to be. Disciplined, that is. 

Now that I've decided I'm not, and am going to live in the whole house all by myself, it's a bit like living in the ruins of an ancient civilization as I go through every room, every cupboard, every closet, every drawer and every nook and cranny of this house and get rid of every single thing I no longer need or want. Any minute now I expect to look under a bed and find Ozymandias's head.

That hasn't turned up yet but what I did find was a scrapbook my elder sister sent to me in probably 1985, with photos of her trip to Scotland - the first holiday she ever took by herself, as her handwritten notes say - and assorted family photos of her children who are now grandparents. She herself might be a great-great. I can't keep track.

It's not something I want to go to Gospel Mission when I'm dead so what I started to do yesterday was go through what's left of my own *family* photos and sort out ones I can add to the scrapbook and send it back to her as a (very) belated birthday present. 

Today's mission, with Mars sextile the Moon, and if I can resist the temptation of being on the lookout for someone with whom I can have a passionate sexual relationship, is to go on with the project and god willing, get it done. Fingers crossed.


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