Saturday, July 11, 2020

Mars trine Pluto

Finally - a scrap of energy after a week of heat-induced lethargy and sloth and an hour's *gardening* done before 8:00 am. Not that I'm not usually up at this time. Three days a week I've been playing tennis for 30 minutes with another hour to go, except yesterday I couldn't even manage that and gave up at 8:30, with my fellow players finally coming around to my "anybody want to start at seven" speech at the beginning of last week. Monday at seven it is. 

And only 81 degrees at 8:3 am, with the day's high supposed to be 87. Very good news when it's been hovering around 95 all week, and there was even five whole minutes of rain yesterday, the first to fall in July when we're *supposed* to be two weeks into Monsoon Season. 

Very strange to have been coming out here less than 20 years and yet to see climate change in full force right in front of *one's* eyes. 

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