Saturday, November 26, 2016

Well I know you're not supposed to look ahead...

... but I can't help noticing I'm up for a period with Saturn trine the Sun and sextile the Moon while Jupiter opposes the Sun and I'm allowing myself to believe it's going to be the perfect time to get all the *things* done around this house that I've never been able to manage before.

Imagine: The raw wood trim in the closet that hasn't been touched since 2002 in the master bedroom painted! The raw wood on the doorway thresholds lemon-oiled! The raw wood trim around the built-in closet in the little back (my) bedroom painted! Do we see a pattern here?

Whether we do or not, there's the pantry/tool (haha) storage space to clear, the CDs to be copied to the hard drive and then given away - or, thinking of YouTube where they can probably all be found anyway just giving them away in the first place, the this to be sent to the where, the what to be given to the whadyamacallit, the doings to be put on eBay or Craigslist, the stuff to go on Grant County Goodies, the coils of wire I have no idea where they came from to be taken down the barn and hidden and oh Jesus it just goes on and on and on and I try to remember that I only have to do all of it ONCE and then it will be gone for ever and never need dealing with again so please please please whoever's in charge of all this let me get going with it and be done.

Almost worth an exclamation mark at the end.

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