Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Mars Trine Uranus

"You are not satisfied with your daily routine under this influence, which signifies a time when you can break away from the routine and introduce into your life fresh elements that will keep you alive psychologically."

Hahahahaha. Right, not satisfied at all, if my daily routine involves being on my feet all day and doing productive things, not that it does all the time.

Took myself off to Walmart early (ish), passed on going to Ace for a tarp and new hardware for the Cruces acquisitions from last week, passed on going to Foxworth for more lava rock and came straight home, did my Consuela airbnb act and went to bed for the day with Michael Connelly. Excuse, not that I need one, is that my eyes hurt and when that's the case the whole day gets shot anyway.

"Consequently this is a time of personal growth and self-discovery that can be quite significant in your psychological development, as well as being positively exciting and interesting."

The Poet's really good, haha, but I knew that before I picked it up. There was the tiniest bit of Uranian excitement when I remembered I wanted to order a photo from New York City's 1940 Tax Building Photo Archives and went to the site ready to do a lot of poking around, only to discover, dear reader, that there's a button labelled "Order Photo" and I was able to work through the whole process in less than three minutes. Too bad the photo's for someone's birthday next week and the order takes a month to process, but you can't have everything. 

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