Sunday, November 27, 2016

Venus Trine Jupiter

Blimey - ANOTHER pleasant respite? I had one yesterday with Venus square the Sun (ah, the oh-so-mixed blessings of having natal Jupiter inconjunct the Sun haha) and decided to reward my scrambling around to keep the wood dry before it snows tonight efforts by lighting a fire and parking myself in front of it for the afternoon while watching The Thick Of It. 

This morning I see my efforts were indeed efforts as the tarp has blown off the biggest of the wood piles and I shall have to put it back and weight it down with many more rocks than I did originally  - Pioneer Woman fail big time. Doesn't exactly forecast grace, ease and social interaction but the cats might come out and watch me while I do it, so you never know.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Well I know you're not supposed to look ahead...

... but I can't help noticing I'm up for a period with Saturn trine the Sun and sextile the Moon while Jupiter opposes the Sun and I'm allowing myself to believe it's going to be the perfect time to get all the *things* done around this house that I've never been able to manage before.

Imagine: The raw wood trim in the closet that hasn't been touched since 2002 in the master bedroom painted! The raw wood on the doorway thresholds lemon-oiled! The raw wood trim around the built-in closet in the little back (my) bedroom painted! Do we see a pattern here?

Whether we do or not, there's the pantry/tool (haha) storage space to clear, the CDs to be copied to the hard drive and then given away - or, thinking of YouTube where they can probably all be found anyway just giving them away in the first place, the this to be sent to the where, the what to be given to the whadyamacallit, the doings to be put on eBay or Craigslist, the stuff to go on Grant County Goodies, the coils of wire I have no idea where they came from to be taken down the barn and hidden and oh Jesus it just goes on and on and on and I try to remember that I only have to do all of it ONCE and then it will be gone for ever and never need dealing with again so please please please whoever's in charge of all this let me get going with it and be done.

Almost worth an exclamation mark at the end.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Mars Trine Uranus

"You are not satisfied with your daily routine under this influence, which signifies a time when you can break away from the routine and introduce into your life fresh elements that will keep you alive psychologically."

Hahahahaha. Right, not satisfied at all, if my daily routine involves being on my feet all day and doing productive things, not that it does all the time.

Took myself off to Walmart early (ish), passed on going to Ace for a tarp and new hardware for the Cruces acquisitions from last week, passed on going to Foxworth for more lava rock and came straight home, did my Consuela airbnb act and went to bed for the day with Michael Connelly. Excuse, not that I need one, is that my eyes hurt and when that's the case the whole day gets shot anyway.

"Consequently this is a time of personal growth and self-discovery that can be quite significant in your psychological development, as well as being positively exciting and interesting."

The Poet's really good, haha, but I knew that before I picked it up. There was the tiniest bit of Uranian excitement when I remembered I wanted to order a photo from New York City's 1940 Tax Building Photo Archives and went to the site ready to do a lot of poking around, only to discover, dear reader, that there's a button labelled "Order Photo" and I was able to work through the whole process in less than three minutes. Too bad the photo's for someone's birthday next week and the order takes a month to process, but you can't have everything. 

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Mars Opposed to Pluto

O Earthling once again - yesterday I wrote on here that I had better rouse myself and get out of bed as with the subject aspect I had a lot to get done.

Little did I know, to coin a phrase, that I would then spend the morning watching Andy Murray and Milos Raonic battle it out in what can only be called a gripping semi-final at the O2 in London, setting the stage for Djokovic to bat aside Kei Nishikori in slightly more than an hour. 

Now that's got bigger because I had to do a cut-and-paste to get Kei's name spelled correctly, and I'm too lazy to change it. And far too lazy to reword that horribly grammatically incorrect last sentence. 

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Mercury Opposed to Uranus

Put the brakes on in my mind? Haha - so wiped out from yesterday's little six-hour excursion involving picking up furniture and having two teeth capped spoke to not a soul and merely packed a big box full of dishes I never wanted and never used to be taken to some lucky thrift store here if I can manage it. Am sure they will be absolutely thrilled to get eight saucers and no cups.

Looking on the bright side, the saucers DO match the eight dinner plates, two platters and eight side plates, and looking on the VERY bright side, I now have empty shelves in the kitchen cabinets.

This is all part of the master plan of having nothing in this house that I do not use or love. I think that's it. Was it "use, need, want or love"? Is that redundant? Or do I mean superfluous?

With Mars opposing Pluto for the next nine hours, I think I'll stop worrying about vocabulary and get going.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Chiron Opposing Jupiter in Virgo

Well I dunno about my religious philosophy and broad intellectual framework being subject to a certain amount of suffering but I sure am getting a lot of throwing out and organizing done.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Neptune stationing with South Node on Mars

So whenever I think the thrill has gone and I can't be bothered to write anything on here any more there's a day like today.

I've been coming out here (Silver City) for years now and always smile (let's be honest - I roll my eyes and "tut") at the road signs on the way to Deming with the metaphysical "Dust Storms May Exist" warning.

Fifteen years and nary a sign of one, but today in-between Palomas and Deming with the sun shining and turning everything gold and the tumbleweed, er, tumbling across the road with monotonous regularity and my little Zippy shuddering a bit in the wind I must have gone through ten mini storms, none of them bad enough to cause me to slow down but each one making me shake my head in awe at how absolutely fucking amazing the workings of astrology and the world are.

And just in case someone thought I needed bashing over the head with symbolism, I got home to a call from the plumber saying he'd picked up the new stove and could he come and install it - this after a two-week wait - and install it he did, natural gas to liquid propane conversion kit and all.  Sheesh.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Mars Trine Chiron

"Energetic and self-assured" - blimey. After three days of weather extreme even for New Mexico, the ground is soft (read soggy) enough to be able to dig out a bit more grass in preparation for wildflower seed,  clear grass away from a giant rock formation making it stand out a bit more, and then wonder of wonders, clear out the adobe storage shed that's been full of boxes and crap (literally - now I know where all those baby squirrels that end up decapitated on the doormat come from) for the fifteen years I've been here.

Off to Palomas now. More later.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

And Lo, the South Node Moves Away from Mars....

... and the Instant airbnb Booking appears and the voice of the turtledove is heard in the Land (of Enchantment).

.... Mars to the Midheaven

In the public eye: ah, yes. After having the "Put Air in the Tires" light come on for at least a week, I did get myself to Snappy Mart and shell out my seventy-five cents and do what I usually do - fumble around with the hose and eventually get it in the correct place on the tire thing so it stops hissing and then count to ten for each one, hoping against hope that no one is watching and that I'll finish before the money runs out.

I was on the last tire when I realized someone had pulled up next to me and was watching, although all he was really doing was waiting for me to finish, but it made me so nervous I got in the car and drove away without putting the little caps back on, something I've realized only as I'm writing this and listening to the laundry in the dryer, where those four probably now misshapen bits of plastic are whizzing around in the pocket of my black cords.

Venus Trine Sun

Well this came and went without a trace. I did manage to print out a photo of the long-gone kittens with lines all over it as I must need new cartridges and get it in the mail as a birthday card but other than that it's scraping the bottom of the barrel to find a manifestation.

Kind of like the other aspect of the day....

Sun Square Pluto

So with Pluto coming to square the Sun in a few months, can I take Sunday - the day this was exact - as a rough example of what I can expect?

I hope so, as I've been thinking gardening - read, where I currently live, as prying massive boulders out of the ground to eliminate every last vestige of crabgrass roots, attempting to dig trenches in what is basically nothing but rocks so the brine runoff from the water softener doesn't get into the planted areas and lugging massive tree trunks around to redo past landscaping errors - gardening, as I said, might be a *good* way to go along with the coming transit and attempt to counteract some of its potentially more alarming aspects.

O Earthling! How we love, admire and try not to pity thee.