Thursday, April 17, 2014

Mercury Sextile Uranus

So the futon has been gone for five months, leaving behind a fetching black line on the pale green wall which its iron back pushed up against for twelve years and I've had the roll of  Marimekko wallpaper frieze to cover it up for three months, and, with airbnb people arriving this evening today was of course the day I chose to put it up.

The result, for someone with only one usable hand and one pair of eyes to scrutinize straightness, was remarkably successful and once I recovered from looking at bright pattern which I usually avoid like the plague I was quite pleased with myself.

I'd post before and after photos but Google won't let me upload straight from the computer any more. I have to go through Picassa which I have yet to download, and also find a more visually appealing blog template, so until whatever transit that will support both of those activities rolls along, almosteveryday will remain text only. Free will? Hah!

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