Monday, April 7, 2014

Mercury Opposed to Chiron

This one passed by completely unnoticed, proving, I suppose, that at the age of 68 I am *healed* enough to be able to survive a fleeting transit to Chiron unscathed or that I'm an insensitive boor unaware of my own feelings or those of others.

Maybe it's the upcoming Mars trine to the Moon, but I had the best day in ages having now discovered that the misery of the past six weeks was caused by an allergic reaction to - yes, you guessed it - Good Girl the short-haired cat, cue memories of the winter I spent in New York several years ago with long-haired Sweet Pea, short-haired Mr. Patches, the cat I saved from death row and fostered for five months, and a constantly dripping nose. Thanks to Amazon and Animal Dander Allertox my turkey wattle cheeks have gone, my eyes no longer sting and itch and water, and I am a new woman, ready to face whatever else Pluto on the south node and Uranus about to square them both will bring.

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