Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Venus Conjunct Jupiter

Hmmmmm....definitely something wrong here. "Infectious good mood"? "Optimistic, eager and outgoing, warm and friendly to everyone I meet?".

Ah, must be because it's only 7:30 am and I haven't run into anyone yet. I bet when I get to the dump and show my driver's license to the woman who checks you in I'll feel a lot different. "Good morning," I'll say to her. "Isn't it a beautiful day? And could you please tell me where I put this microwave that I blew out the other day and can't find a replacement for, and does this iron that also blew out go with big electronics or can I just throw it into the pit with all my regular trash?"

"Blew out your microwave and iron?" she'll say to me. "Hey, I know a wonderful electrician who's very reasonable and always comes promptly exactly when he says he's going to come. Would you like me to give you his number?"

"Wow," I'll say, "Yes, please, and do you know anybody who would like to buy the little desk I just bought that doesn't fit where I wanted it to go so I think I'm going to move the big old desk I was going to get rid of back into the little room where it was and so I don't really need the new desk now...."

Oh Lordie. Life in the country.....

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