Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Mercury Sextile Chiron

So I find myself getting more and more pissed at things that usually roll off my back like water off a duck's and a little bell goes off - it's been going off for weeks actually but I've ignored it - and I realize the Celexa - the website of which says is prescribed to treat depression but in my case works by enabling me to keep my temper - I ordered five weeks ago isn't here.

When I call the online Canadian pharmacy and push 3 to enquire about an order already placed - and this is the short version of the ensuing conversation - I'm told the prescription I sent was dated September of last year and prescriptions are valid for only six months, and that I was called a week ago to advise me of this.

What phone number did you use, ask I with sinking heart, and surprise surprise the phone number they called was the Boston landline of Amah who's been in St. Croix for the past six months and never uses that phone anyway but uses a mobile. Could you please change that phone number, I say, to the one that's been valid for the past fourteen months, and would you please tell me when it was that I paid for this order, along with free shipping for a year?

Oh, July 2, yes, that's when I thought it was, I say, and yes, please do fax the doctor's office and ask for a new prescription, I'd really appreciate that, and if the number you have for him happens to be his old number because I know he's moved would you please call me back and let me know so I can call him myself and sort this out, and no thank you, there really isn't anything else you can do for me today except send a valid prescription off to a pharmacy so I can get my mitts on the Celexa and -

No, I didn't say that last bit, but boy, did I think it, and if I have to dredge around for one good thing to say I suppose it's that it got me to post on here, seeing as how there's no one here I can vent to in person which is probably a very good thing...

Please allow three weeks for delivery? I don't think so.

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