Monday, August 12, 2013

Mercury Conjunct Pluto

So I have a strong desire to get to the bottom of every question, do I? Might that involve the foot high pile of papers and photos and god knows what else I've just assembled on the dining room table, there being no room to do it in the *office* any more since I got a smaller desk and me being determined to use the dining room as something other than a space to walk through to get to the bathroom and laundry room and all.

Talk about a mixture - it's all the un-filed paperwork from this year - work orders for the car, paper copies of the few bills I don't pay online, stray documents left over from the refinance, photos going back years and years and years, three sets of scribbled dimensions for the big desk I want to sell because I kept losing what I'd written before I posted, a membership form for the food co-op -  Oh Lordie.

I do finally have a workable configuration of furniture in the new bedroom cum office, so as I work my way through the pile I do in theory have a place to put every piece of paper, although the diagram with written instruction of how to work the shower in the MBR has me puzzled, unless I make a new file folder labelled *Useful House Information*, or stick it in the folder I made years ago called *Nowhere else to Put It*.

And as I'm only halfway down the pile and don't want to lose momentum, enough of this right now and back to the dining room.

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