Sunday, August 18, 2013

Mercury Sextile Uranus

This one's easy - more than enough excitement, thank you very much, when I found out fixing the bumper on the car that I scraped on the high sidewalks downtown on Saturday is going to cost $520 to fix, when I thought all it needed was a paper clip or two to join the bits of plastic together. Thanks to my Celexa arriving a week ago and my by now heavily sedated self ha ha I was able to take it quite calmly and determined for the Nth time this month to get my taxes done, not that there will be much of a refund this year as I haven't paid anything in.

Later in the day, and very surprisingly as I'd forgotten I had it - the Trickster reared his head or took over my fingers or something and I shortened and hemmed - O Wonder of Wonders -  the Fresh Produce dress I bought for $2 weeks ago when Tennis Partner and I were on one of our thrift shop crawls. Now if I can just take out the waist on the blue polka dot shorts, hem the capris, run up a few dresses for Star Child, make the twin size flannel sheets for the day bed, mend the Marimekko duvet that Sweet Pea tore to shreds at the bottom...maybe when Uranus gets to Mercury in three years or so.

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