Friday, August 30, 2013

Venus Opposed to Sun

This is scraping the bottom of the barrel, but when I went to Walmart this morning I'd parked and was walking in when a man with a trolley stopped me and said "Ma'am, would you like a good cart?"

And I did would like. I also bought some Clamato Juice - my newest addiction - and it tasted so good I downed three Bloody Marys all by myself.

Chiron Conjunct Mars

Do something for the body? In my case that's lots of ibuprofin and as of last night when I woke up at three an application of Deep Freeze Pain Relief or whatever it's called that I bought in Walmart last week but hadn't used.

It's been at least three weeks since I pulled a muscle or strained a ligament or whatever variation on those two things is going on in my right thigh, and my usual ignore-it-and-it-will-go-away isn't working. I'm getting used to going up stairs left foot first but I predict a visit to a doctor before too long it matters don't improve.

Maybe when Saturn goes into seven (can hardly wait for that) it will all get better....

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Jupiter Conjunct North Node

So I did as I'd said I would and read through the revised script of Just For You for errors only, found a couple and hit Save just as the Jupiter conjuncted exactly *my* north node in the third, a more than mild surprise when I realized it.

No tennis, as we're on Every-Other-Day till D's knee heals completely, and feeling incredibly smug as I'd had the foresight to buy printer cartridges in Office Max when we went to Cruces two weeks ago, I pulled out the three-hole-punch I'd also bought and loaded up the printer.

Do not ever buy a Canon Pixma. Before it prints anything, which it often doesn't, it does a two minute warm up with grinding wheels and wheezing noises before the screen says Printing From PC, and the paper jams whatever you are trying to print.

When I loaded it with three-hole-punch paper, which at great and ridiculous expense I  bought when I got the ink cartridges, it printed a page and then jammed. Take paper out, hit OK, put paper back in and wait for grinding noises to subside before it spits out another page. Repeat for three pages. Notice middle hole of three is jagged and torn on all three pages. Realize Pixma cannot cope with three hole punch paper. Realize *should* have bought three-hole-punch and plain cheap paper instead of expensive already punched three-hole.

Also realize Mercury is opposed to Mars.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sun Sextile Saturn

I've been working on the last scene of Just For You, for which there is not yet a link (note positive attitude), for probably two weeks now, changing a line or two a day and telling myself I must not know my characters well if I have this much trouble making them talk (note negative attitude).

Whether it was due to Sun sextile Saturn or being aware of an approaching deadline for a submission opportunity or both or neither makes no difference - I managed to have all three characters say something that was *better* than they were saying before and hit Save in the middle of the afternoon, vowing to read it through one more time the next day for errors only and CHANGING NOT A WORD before printing and sending it out.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Venus Trine Uranus

Ah yes, the unexpected - bored with my usual routine, I decided today was the day to climb down into the little arroyo that crosses my private path to the outside world and clear the tubes that the water is supposed to go through underneath the road from the debris that washes down and clogs them up, giving me my very own Lake Erie which, with the amount of rain there has been this year, is threatening to flood completely across the road and leave me marooned on my 5.9 acres here in the Land of Enchantment.

Have I ever mentioned I once had a creative writing instructor who told me I wrote as though I had to get every thought in my head out in the first sentence?

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Saturn Square Pluto

Forget about all these piddly Sun Mercury Venus transits that I can never be bothered to document these days - here comes pass #3 of Let's All See Just How Much Money I Have To Shell Out Until This Perfects On September 10 - only another two and a half weeks ha ha.

I've needed an electrician and a microwave for at least two weeks, ever since the outlet spat out flames and did in the iron as well. I did break down and buy a new iron (for a big $17 from Walmart) as unfortunately my summer clothes need one. I'm holding off on the electrician and microwave as ever since I moved the day bed into the back computer room so I'd have privacy if there were an airbnb booking the airbnb bookings have withered on the vine, apart from the fact of course that I don't know an electrician to call if I wanted to.

So so far, because of my wondrous connection to the workings of the universe, I've had to call a plumber about what I now know (since I got the bill) is called the sillcock on the outside of the well house where the unsalted water comes out so I don't pour brine all over the garden as I used to and wonder why nothing grew. The water softener is playing up - the low salt light is on all the time even though there's plenty of salt and the Reset Salt Level doesn't work - so I asked the plumber to take a look at that for me.

He did, and told me to unplug it, wait eight minutes, and then see what error codes showed up so I could call Kenmore and tell them and they can send someone out to fix it for God knows how much. The error codes are 5R29 and R20, but I'll pass on calling Kenmore because of the other unexpected expenses that have been popping up.

One was the car that I scraped on one of the the picturesque historic two-feet high sidewalks that downtown Silver City boasts - that was $529, and then yesterday a bill for $500 from the psychiatrist I see in New York appeared with Pamela, Past Due, Please Remit written on it. When I called to say this was the first I knew of it, I was told 'Yes, we've had some trouble locating you. We've had several letters returned from New York and didn't know where you were', which confirmed me in my belief that when I had the phone consult last September right after Sweet Pea went missing Dr. X couldn't understand a word I was saying as I was crying so hard. I did NOT say that because of that I thought I'd been given a break and hadn't been billed, just closed my eyes and hoped September 10 hurries up.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Mars Opposed to Midheaven

No problems with this one - no one at home to argue with ha ha.

Mercury Sextile Uranus

This one's easy - more than enough excitement, thank you very much, when I found out fixing the bumper on the car that I scraped on the high sidewalks downtown on Saturday is going to cost $520 to fix, when I thought all it needed was a paper clip or two to join the bits of plastic together. Thanks to my Celexa arriving a week ago and my by now heavily sedated self ha ha I was able to take it quite calmly and determined for the Nth time this month to get my taxes done, not that there will be much of a refund this year as I haven't paid anything in.

Later in the day, and very surprisingly as I'd forgotten I had it - the Trickster reared his head or took over my fingers or something and I shortened and hemmed - O Wonder of Wonders -  the Fresh Produce dress I bought for $2 weeks ago when Tennis Partner and I were on one of our thrift shop crawls. Now if I can just take out the waist on the blue polka dot shorts, hem the capris, run up a few dresses for Star Child, make the twin size flannel sheets for the day bed, mend the Marimekko duvet that Sweet Pea tore to shreds at the bottom...maybe when Uranus gets to Mercury in three years or so.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Mercury Conjunct Pluto

So I have a strong desire to get to the bottom of every question, do I? Might that involve the foot high pile of papers and photos and god knows what else I've just assembled on the dining room table, there being no room to do it in the *office* any more since I got a smaller desk and me being determined to use the dining room as something other than a space to walk through to get to the bathroom and laundry room and all.

Talk about a mixture - it's all the un-filed paperwork from this year - work orders for the car, paper copies of the few bills I don't pay online, stray documents left over from the refinance, photos going back years and years and years, three sets of scribbled dimensions for the big desk I want to sell because I kept losing what I'd written before I posted, a membership form for the food co-op -  Oh Lordie.

I do finally have a workable configuration of furniture in the new bedroom cum office, so as I work my way through the pile I do in theory have a place to put every piece of paper, although the diagram with written instruction of how to work the shower in the MBR has me puzzled, unless I make a new file folder labelled *Useful House Information*, or stick it in the folder I made years ago called *Nowhere else to Put It*.

And as I'm only halfway down the pile and don't want to lose momentum, enough of this right now and back to the dining room.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Mars Square Sun

So I went to the dump yesterday and was determined to go again today, as I am ridding myself of all my worldly goods in an attempt to squash me and my belongings into the old side of this house so the addition, built in 2002, has none of my personal stuff in it and is instantly ready for all the B&B guests I haven't had for a month.

I also had stuff to take to the humane society thrift shop and something for Habitat's Restore, which involved loading up the car so what gets thrown out first is easily accessible and the stuff for Restore, which inconveniently for me doesn't open till 1:00 pm, closer to the front seats and last to go.

This involved a lot more thought than I am used to expending these days, and what with my Celexa not having arrived and trying to tell a friend what time I'd be meeting her for the little cultural outing we had planned when I had no idea when I'd have the car loaded or how long it would take me at the dump I was not, shall we say, calm when I turned off my very own little dirt road on to the bigger dirt road that leads to the *main* road into town.

It was with Mars/Saturn prominent in my chart that I began to write this blog, with STOP signs popping up wherever I drove. This morning it wasn't quite as literal, *just* three huge pieces of Volvo earth moving equipment right at the intersection of Village and Little Walnut. (For the first time in years there's been something resembling a monsoon season here, and the dirt road is covered with little rocks.)

I was looking at My Tax Dollars At Work, otherwise known to those of us cosmically connected to the mysterious and wondrous workings of the universe as Mars square the Sun. I was only ten minutes late for my appointment at the museum.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Venus Conjunct Jupiter

Hmmmmm....definitely something wrong here. "Infectious good mood"? "Optimistic, eager and outgoing, warm and friendly to everyone I meet?".

Ah, must be because it's only 7:30 am and I haven't run into anyone yet. I bet when I get to the dump and show my driver's license to the woman who checks you in I'll feel a lot different. "Good morning," I'll say to her. "Isn't it a beautiful day? And could you please tell me where I put this microwave that I blew out the other day and can't find a replacement for, and does this iron that also blew out go with big electronics or can I just throw it into the pit with all my regular trash?"

"Blew out your microwave and iron?" she'll say to me. "Hey, I know a wonderful electrician who's very reasonable and always comes promptly exactly when he says he's going to come. Would you like me to give you his number?"

"Wow," I'll say, "Yes, please, and do you know anybody who would like to buy the little desk I just bought that doesn't fit where I wanted it to go so I think I'm going to move the big old desk I was going to get rid of back into the little room where it was and so I don't really need the new desk now...."

Oh Lordie. Life in the country.....

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Mercury Sextile Chiron

So I find myself getting more and more pissed at things that usually roll off my back like water off a duck's and a little bell goes off - it's been going off for weeks actually but I've ignored it - and I realize the Celexa - the website of which says is prescribed to treat depression but in my case works by enabling me to keep my temper - I ordered five weeks ago isn't here.

When I call the online Canadian pharmacy and push 3 to enquire about an order already placed - and this is the short version of the ensuing conversation - I'm told the prescription I sent was dated September of last year and prescriptions are valid for only six months, and that I was called a week ago to advise me of this.

What phone number did you use, ask I with sinking heart, and surprise surprise the phone number they called was the Boston landline of Amah who's been in St. Croix for the past six months and never uses that phone anyway but uses a mobile. Could you please change that phone number, I say, to the one that's been valid for the past fourteen months, and would you please tell me when it was that I paid for this order, along with free shipping for a year?

Oh, July 2, yes, that's when I thought it was, I say, and yes, please do fax the doctor's office and ask for a new prescription, I'd really appreciate that, and if the number you have for him happens to be his old number because I know he's moved would you please call me back and let me know so I can call him myself and sort this out, and no thank you, there really isn't anything else you can do for me today except send a valid prescription off to a pharmacy so I can get my mitts on the Celexa and -

No, I didn't say that last bit, but boy, did I think it, and if I have to dredge around for one good thing to say I suppose it's that it got me to post on here, seeing as how there's no one here I can vent to in person which is probably a very good thing...

Please allow three weeks for delivery? I don't think so.