Sunday, April 21, 2013

Venus Square Pluto

I don't know about this one. The only *person* I got annoyed with today was Ginger, which is definitely a change in our relationship and I suppose changed my consciousness, but only because my consciousness was mostly involved all day with trying to figure out exactly what he did when he sat on the keyboard of the MacBook Air and shut it down so every time I went to boot it up again all I got was the bong and a black screen.

Of course I went straight to Apple's discussion boards on the iMac and poked around there for a while, running back to the MBA in the addition to try out whatever I'd just read as a possible solution and going back to the iMac whenever it turned out not to be, which was all the time.

Eventually I gave up and started moving all my stuff out of the walk-in closet and into the old part of the house in preparation for the bikers who'll be here for the Tour of the Gila, in yet another attempt to organize this house so it *works* for me - something I have not yet been able to do in the eleven years since I've been coming out here, "here" being Silver City, New Mexico.

That's a story - a book, to be more accurate - in itself and not something I've had the patience or attention span to sit and focus on, but then that may well be because I spend so much time here running around like the proverbial chicken without its head wondering where I put the tennis balls I bought the day before or the title to the house so I can go and finish the process I started months ago of making my will or my knitting bag or the wildflower seeds I very carefully stashed somewhere so I'd know exactly where they were which are now probably so old they'll never germinate - absurd, I know, but unfortunately the truth.

Anyway, I made a great leap forward today; I dragged an old five drawer dresser that used to be John's tool chest down from the adobe and after washing off all the spiders and mouse turds, disinfecting it and letting it dry in the sun, put it in the laundry room, gathered up all my undies and nighties and tights and leggings that were scattered in three places throughout the house (don't ask) and organized them all into it with one drawer to spare - the biggest and most efficient step I've taken so far re living here permanently instead of going backwards and forwards from one side of the country to the other as I have for the last decade deep breath.

Huge, as they say, and, I like to think, due to those deep transformative trines I've got going on in the background now instead of the - shall we say disruptive? squares and oppositions of the past three years that ended up getting me out of 1674 First Avenue for good and settling me in Little Walnut Haven, at least for a while she added quickly.

Oh, and the MacBook Air? After all my attempts at starting it with this key and that key and the other key held down while I did it and going to Google Maps to see if the Apple store in Tucson is closer than the one in El Paso, when I eventually came back to it tonight with all my white undies in one drawer and all the black ones in another it of course booted up first try and took me straight to Michael Lutin.

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