Friday, April 19, 2013

Mars Conjunct Venus

So today, with this in effect, just happens to be the day I start to do yard work in earnest and attempt to move the tree trunks I bought at the estate sale the week before the house guest invasion began.

The biggest one I plan to work into the low rock wall somehow, with perhaps the second biggest one as its companion on the other side of the slope up to the front steps, but as I can barely move either of them by myself that little project has to be on hold.

That leaves four - another quite big one and three (I hope) manageable ones, two of which I was able to maneuver up the little hill and through the little gate into the "new" (now in its third year, I think) garden in front of the addition, where I plan to do something amazingly creative with them to disguise the fact that the path of six-sided paving stones I was making ground to a halt halfway along due to the unexpected continued absence of six-sided paving stones in Silver when I went to buy more.

That was as far as I got, as I realized the other two won't fit through that gate and will need to be rolled up the slope to the front steps, rolled over the front steps with some kind of covering down over the newly painted wood, and then somehow gotten through that slightly bigger gate without destroying the lilac bush and the delosperma and eventually, I realized, having their journey reversed and rolled down the slope again as they will probably be too big for the space.

With age must come wisdom, as with that insight I decided enough was enough and the best thing to do was to take a shower and sit on the front porch with a beer, contemplating the two new tree trunks and working on the master plan in my head.

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