Thursday, April 11, 2013

Mercury Conjunct Part of Fortune

OK, so it's just coincidence, but as I begin to regain consciousness after ten days of unmitigated real live fun and laughter and good times I have a look at Sprite and there's the trickster sitting right there, proving whatever I feel like making it prove at the moment and I hope getting me back into posting on here every other month or so.

So the choice now is to manipulate the scheduling date and do a dozen one-paragraph posts covering the past undocumented two weeks of unmitigated real live fun and laughter and good times or leave the scheduling date alone and post everything on the same day, neither of which are likely to happen as, since writing the first four lines and one word of this paragraph, I've spent fifteen minutes happily googling away looking for the *mot juste* to - pardon my oxymoron - encompass the limitless nature of the sign of Pisces. It's three mots rather than one, but "lack of concentration" comes to mind.

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