Thursday, April 11, 2013


So for a change of pace here, now that I'm sixty-eight and all, a slightly different approach: looking at Michael Lutin's Daily Fix and seeing if it has any relevance to my life right now choke.

According to him, (as though I have ever known him to be anything but right on), what's happening now is the resolution of the Venus transit over the Sun in early June of last year. I know exactly what I was doing then. I was part of a group at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics' Observatory, along with Ama and Star Child and entourage, watching the real time transit happen right before my eyes on the Big Screen. I'd given up my apartment in New York the day before and had ten days to go before coming out to Silver where I've lived ever since, apart from ten days back in Cambridge in February for Star Child's mid-term break.

Yesterday I find out Ama and Star Child will be in La Jolla next week. "Last year was just the rehearsal," says Michael Lutin today. "This is the show." Once again I'm reminded my Twelfth House Venus has nothing to do with romantic love. My heart's been stolen by an almost-five-year-old who, to paraphrase Michael, the Universe has plopped smack in front of me. (Eleven hours away, to be exact, but you can't have everything.) "Here is the person you are now going to love," says the Universe. "Enjoy!"

Then comes the P.S. "Oh yeah, and by the way, here is a list of things you'll have to deal with if you're going to love that person. Fortunately it's not MY problem. Universe out!"

My List:

1. Call woman cat-sitting for B who I am supposed to take over from tomorrow and see if I can start tonight in exchange for her adding an extra night next week.

2. Call B to say (with any luck) cat-sitting is going well but I have had a slight hiccup. Ask if it's OK if I try to enlist the Lexulous B to take over from me.

3. Call to ask the Lexulous B if she's free next week (unless I do 2. before 3. to make sure LB is free before I ask B if she can do it).

4. Think about calling G&J in Toas to see if they'd like a couple of days in Silver at #14.

5. Think about cleaning up I will have to do after ten days of house guests and decide not to call.

6. Find out exactly where in La Jolla Star Child is going to be so can begin to search for cat-friendly motel.

7. Look for summer clothes which seem to be secreted somewhere in this house but have so far resisted finding.

8. Look for phone number of Irrigation Woman who is supposed to come and replace some crucial piece of plumbing I can't remember name of so irrigation system will work again.

9. Look for phone number of builder who promised to make tall garden gate to keep out deer and was going to deliver same in January.

10. Remember that Michael's post ends with the words "Love conquers all" and go on making list.

12. Call lawyer I saw two months ago re making will and tell her I'm on the case.....

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