Saturday, April 13, 2013

Venus Conjunct Mercury

I was most certainly not feeling lighthearted while this was taking place - I was feeling guilty and *wicked* as for the first time in my life I was breaking a promise and not keeping my word. Maybe this had something to do with Mercury coming to oppose Chiron at the same time, but whatever it was it wasn't fun.

With Mars on its way to square the Midheaven, my having told B I would cat sit till the end of the week went by the wayside when I realized Star Child was going to be in La Jolla and would be only 600 miles away instead of 2,500. (I had, of course, known this for weeks, but in the frenzy of getting ready for house guests had completely forgotten it.)

Skipping over twenty-four hours of self-flagellation, all is now well, a substitute cat-sitter has been found, B is still talking to me and with Mars about to do his stuff, I just might make it to the post office to return the white leather ankle boots to Denmark, and by writing that I relieve myself of the obligation of write "A Cautionary Tale, Part II", unless, of course, anybody wants details.

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