Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Sun sextile Saturn

What I would really like is whatever aspect it is that makes you do a great big pile of ironing, but in the absence of that I guess one that makes you put a check that came to you by mistake six weeks ago into an envelope and forward it to the person it was intended for comes in second best.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Venus Sextile Mars

So for non-artistic people who aren't in a sexual relationship, this is supposed to be a time when they could beautify their immediate surroundings.  I'm not sure that taking every item of clothing one owns and piling it on the dining room table qualifies as such, but that's exactly what I did, congratulating myself that once it was all sorted through and either thrown away or put into a closet or dresser drawer so I knew exactly where it was I would never have to do it again.

Remembering the storage closet in Randolph cast somewhat of a pall on this wildly idealistic notion, but undeterred, with Neptune oh-so-appropriately trining Saturn exactly in the middle of the day, I soldiered on. Surely it was that - or Pluto beginning to sextile Mars again or, even more likely, both of them combined - that had me get out the hammer and the nails and do my handyman impersonation by banging together the broken bits of the bottom drawer of the tall boy that was making my dressing room a reality - truly, I could care less, as my adopted country-people always say, what it was so long as it will end up with my finally getting some kind of handle on this house.

Maybe turning the laundry hallway into a somewhat down-market dressing room would be considered "abstemious and self-denying" (astrodienst, as usual) by some, but for me, having all my undies in one place for the first time in eleven years instead of scattered between walk-in closet, drawers under day bed and cupboard in office in Silver and Manhattan and Cambridge (forget about Randolph for the moment) is tantamount to lying on a featherbed in heaven watching the original Upstairs Downstairs on Youtube with Bogie, Fluff, Sweet Pea and Ginger curled up next to me not fighting and a tin of mixed nuts and a packet of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups by my side. It's all relative.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Venus Square Pluto

I don't know about this one. The only *person* I got annoyed with today was Ginger, which is definitely a change in our relationship and I suppose changed my consciousness, but only because my consciousness was mostly involved all day with trying to figure out exactly what he did when he sat on the keyboard of the MacBook Air and shut it down so every time I went to boot it up again all I got was the bong and a black screen.

Of course I went straight to Apple's discussion boards on the iMac and poked around there for a while, running back to the MBA in the addition to try out whatever I'd just read as a possible solution and going back to the iMac whenever it turned out not to be, which was all the time.

Eventually I gave up and started moving all my stuff out of the walk-in closet and into the old part of the house in preparation for the bikers who'll be here for the Tour of the Gila, in yet another attempt to organize this house so it *works* for me - something I have not yet been able to do in the eleven years since I've been coming out here, "here" being Silver City, New Mexico.

That's a story - a book, to be more accurate - in itself and not something I've had the patience or attention span to sit and focus on, but then that may well be because I spend so much time here running around like the proverbial chicken without its head wondering where I put the tennis balls I bought the day before or the title to the house so I can go and finish the process I started months ago of making my will or my knitting bag or the wildflower seeds I very carefully stashed somewhere so I'd know exactly where they were which are now probably so old they'll never germinate - absurd, I know, but unfortunately the truth.

Anyway, I made a great leap forward today; I dragged an old five drawer dresser that used to be John's tool chest down from the adobe and after washing off all the spiders and mouse turds, disinfecting it and letting it dry in the sun, put it in the laundry room, gathered up all my undies and nighties and tights and leggings that were scattered in three places throughout the house (don't ask) and organized them all into it with one drawer to spare - the biggest and most efficient step I've taken so far re living here permanently instead of going backwards and forwards from one side of the country to the other as I have for the last decade deep breath.

Huge, as they say, and, I like to think, due to those deep transformative trines I've got going on in the background now instead of the - shall we say disruptive? squares and oppositions of the past three years that ended up getting me out of 1674 First Avenue for good and settling me in Little Walnut Haven, at least for a while she added quickly.

Oh, and the MacBook Air? After all my attempts at starting it with this key and that key and the other key held down while I did it and going to Google Maps to see if the Apple store in Tucson is closer than the one in El Paso, when I eventually came back to it tonight with all my white undies in one drawer and all the black ones in another it of course booted up first try and took me straight to Michael Lutin.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Mercury Sextile Uranus

Well here I am in bed waiting for new aspects of life to open up around me and experience - does having a third cup of coffee instead of my usual two count? astrodienst does say I won't have to go out of my way to experience these effects, as my immediate environment will provide all the interest I need, but I have a feeling unless I turn on the television I shall have to do a little more than I've done so far today for the aspect to kick in.

Of course there's always a sinkhole, much in the news at the moment, but considering what I've been trying to dig in and grow things in for the past ten years, there's not much chance of that.

Nothing to do but email D, see if we're willing to brave the elements which I hope we are and then head for the courts and Walmart to see what awaits.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Mars Conjunct Venus

So today, with this in effect, just happens to be the day I start to do yard work in earnest and attempt to move the tree trunks I bought at the estate sale the week before the house guest invasion began.

The biggest one I plan to work into the low rock wall somehow, with perhaps the second biggest one as its companion on the other side of the slope up to the front steps, but as I can barely move either of them by myself that little project has to be on hold.

That leaves four - another quite big one and three (I hope) manageable ones, two of which I was able to maneuver up the little hill and through the little gate into the "new" (now in its third year, I think) garden in front of the addition, where I plan to do something amazingly creative with them to disguise the fact that the path of six-sided paving stones I was making ground to a halt halfway along due to the unexpected continued absence of six-sided paving stones in Silver when I went to buy more.

That was as far as I got, as I realized the other two won't fit through that gate and will need to be rolled up the slope to the front steps, rolled over the front steps with some kind of covering down over the newly painted wood, and then somehow gotten through that slightly bigger gate without destroying the lilac bush and the delosperma and eventually, I realized, having their journey reversed and rolled down the slope again as they will probably be too big for the space.

With age must come wisdom, as with that insight I decided enough was enough and the best thing to do was to take a shower and sit on the front porch with a beer, contemplating the two new tree trunks and working on the master plan in my head.

Sun Conjunct Venus

This was early this morning and so in effect last night when D and I stopped off in Bowie on the way back from San Diego and I decided I needed to buy some coconut cashew brittle.

May also have had something to do with my surrendering to my bacon obsession and ordering the Ultimate Bacon Breakfast when we stopped at Denny's in Yuma (I think), and then eating handfuls of D's chocolate covered almonds all the way to Bowie...

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Venus Conjunct Mercury

I was most certainly not feeling lighthearted while this was taking place - I was feeling guilty and *wicked* as for the first time in my life I was breaking a promise and not keeping my word. Maybe this had something to do with Mercury coming to oppose Chiron at the same time, but whatever it was it wasn't fun.

With Mars on its way to square the Midheaven, my having told B I would cat sit till the end of the week went by the wayside when I realized Star Child was going to be in La Jolla and would be only 600 miles away instead of 2,500. (I had, of course, known this for weeks, but in the frenzy of getting ready for house guests had completely forgotten it.)

Skipping over twenty-four hours of self-flagellation, all is now well, a substitute cat-sitter has been found, B is still talking to me and with Mars about to do his stuff, I just might make it to the post office to return the white leather ankle boots to Denmark, and by writing that I relieve myself of the obligation of write "A Cautionary Tale, Part II", unless, of course, anybody wants details.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


So for a change of pace here, now that I'm sixty-eight and all, a slightly different approach: looking at Michael Lutin's Daily Fix and seeing if it has any relevance to my life right now choke.

According to him, (as though I have ever known him to be anything but right on), what's happening now is the resolution of the Venus transit over the Sun in early June of last year. I know exactly what I was doing then. I was part of a group at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics' Observatory, along with Ama and Star Child and entourage, watching the real time transit happen right before my eyes on the Big Screen. I'd given up my apartment in New York the day before and had ten days to go before coming out to Silver where I've lived ever since, apart from ten days back in Cambridge in February for Star Child's mid-term break.

Yesterday I find out Ama and Star Child will be in La Jolla next week. "Last year was just the rehearsal," says Michael Lutin today. "This is the show." Once again I'm reminded my Twelfth House Venus has nothing to do with romantic love. My heart's been stolen by an almost-five-year-old who, to paraphrase Michael, the Universe has plopped smack in front of me. (Eleven hours away, to be exact, but you can't have everything.) "Here is the person you are now going to love," says the Universe. "Enjoy!"

Then comes the P.S. "Oh yeah, and by the way, here is a list of things you'll have to deal with if you're going to love that person. Fortunately it's not MY problem. Universe out!"

My List:

1. Call woman cat-sitting for B who I am supposed to take over from tomorrow and see if I can start tonight in exchange for her adding an extra night next week.

2. Call B to say (with any luck) cat-sitting is going well but I have had a slight hiccup. Ask if it's OK if I try to enlist the Lexulous B to take over from me.

3. Call to ask the Lexulous B if she's free next week (unless I do 2. before 3. to make sure LB is free before I ask B if she can do it).

4. Think about calling G&J in Toas to see if they'd like a couple of days in Silver at #14.

5. Think about cleaning up I will have to do after ten days of house guests and decide not to call.

6. Find out exactly where in La Jolla Star Child is going to be so can begin to search for cat-friendly motel.

7. Look for summer clothes which seem to be secreted somewhere in this house but have so far resisted finding.

8. Look for phone number of Irrigation Woman who is supposed to come and replace some crucial piece of plumbing I can't remember name of so irrigation system will work again.

9. Look for phone number of builder who promised to make tall garden gate to keep out deer and was going to deliver same in January.

10. Remember that Michael's post ends with the words "Love conquers all" and go on making list.

12. Call lawyer I saw two months ago re making will and tell her I'm on the case.....

Mercury Conjunct Part of Fortune

OK, so it's just coincidence, but as I begin to regain consciousness after ten days of unmitigated real live fun and laughter and good times I have a look at Sprite and there's the trickster sitting right there, proving whatever I feel like making it prove at the moment and I hope getting me back into posting on here every other month or so.

So the choice now is to manipulate the scheduling date and do a dozen one-paragraph posts covering the past undocumented two weeks of unmitigated real live fun and laughter and good times or leave the scheduling date alone and post everything on the same day, neither of which are likely to happen as, since writing the first four lines and one word of this paragraph, I've spent fifteen minutes happily googling away looking for the *mot juste* to - pardon my oxymoron - encompass the limitless nature of the sign of Pisces. It's three mots rather than one, but "lack of concentration" comes to mind.