Sunday, November 15, 2020

Mercury trine Saturn

Serious thinking, eh? I'm not surprised, what with the past few weeks of Saturn squaring the little trickster and me not having Internet and then last week's preoccupation with Mildred, the 2004 Suburu Outback a long-time friend is giving me after its owner - friend's mother - died last month. 

And the problem with not doing this every day is that *preoccupations* with things like Mildred appear suddenly when they've been a concern for weeks, ever since I mentioned her to friends and one of them immediately offered to go to Boston to drive her back here, a wonderful idea except the poor old thing (Mildred, not friend) made it 200 miles to Poughkeepsie and collapsed, in need of a quadruple bypass and an organ transplant or two before going on. This while Zippy, much-loved little white Hyundai, sits in the driveway with the queen in the back seat in need of  a $1,800 new a/c system. (Zippy, not the queen.)

I know it's all part of the long-term transit of Uranus square Pluto that's been going on in the background for me and several million people close to me in age - for me, since May of this year and culminating in March. Nothing major haha, just sweeping away all the old and outworn structures we've built up and creating a total revolution in our lives, to paraphrase astrodienst, my favorite astrological site that Google won't let me link to, and I'm getting myself lost here in attempting to make up for not posting more often. 

Anyway, a nasty (hah!) day yesterday unable to do much except flop around and read Carl Hiassen, not the worst of all worlds by any means and you'd think by now I'd have learned that one day of sloth does NOT mean I'll never do anything constructive for the rest of my life, but there you go...

Today's a new day with sunshine and no wind and Pretty Boy appeared alive and well at the kitchen door as soon as I got up, having survived yet another night aside in the wild and heading straight for his plank when let in and sitting there squawking until brushed - and Trump has his share of VERY nasty transits ahead and all's right with the world. 

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