Sunday, November 15, 2020

Mars goes Direct...

 .... and I hang my head in shame at only today realizing his/its recent stationary retrograde position two degrees from *my* sun  just might *explain* my complete and total disinclination to do anything at all for the past two weeks except lounge around and read Carl Hiassen - yet another example of Astrologer Heal Thyself and You Cannot Do Your Own Chart. 

Never mind. The wind is in the sails now and I spent a happy afternoon playing with my indoor plants and then deciding, for the first time in my life, to soak my feet in a basin of hot water with Epson Salts in it and use a little nub of pumice stone to get the hard skin off my feet. 

Other than that I've never done it before, there's nothing too spectacular (and definitely nothing too glamorous) about it, until you realize that my natal Mars is in Pisces and Pisces rules the feet and so...

Here it goes again, being literal.

 it is maybe I haven't been feeling too energetic it's/he's the planet that rules *my* sun

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