Saturday, November 28, 2020

Mercury Opposed to the Ascendant

 "Enjoying Repartee", the site I go to all the time but am not going to name for once sums up this aspect, and I let myself stay in bed for two hours and write the exercise to upload to Jeffrey Sweet's Google Drive before noon. 

Too late to go to Walmart so I piddled around for an hour then zoomed into the meeting room, which had one other *student* there, and after a bit of back and forth we pieced together the narrative: There was a chance JS might be traveling on this Saturday, we were to be notified if there was to be no class today and we were not notified. Simple. 

Only one other student had uploaded a file to be critiqued. We emailed to tell her we were having a class with somewhat fewer participants than usual and soon after she popped up in her screen.  The three of us jabbered away for an hour and a half, able to ask questions of each other outside of class restraint and the two of us who'd submitted work got in a rehearsal for next time haha.   

Now the detail that always blows me away: 

aspect exact at 1:20pm.           

The three of us said "See you next week" at 1:30pm by my kitchen clock, which is ten minutes fast. I really should (AARRGGHH - I used the dreaded word)  stop marveling over this and just get on with it, but then I wouldn't have anything to write about haha.

So then off to Walmart secure in my knowledge that almost everyone in Silver is with family or friends on Saturday afternoons (SO easy for me to forget the pandemic) only to find, of course, that they now have two entrances open with a line of 30 or so socially distanced would-be shoppers at each one. 

When it happened last week it was only one entrance and only one line, but creature of habit that I am, I did exactly the same as I did then and took my lazy lazy self off to Alberston's, willing to pay through  the nose for the bare minimum of what I needed, mostly cat food, and vowing to be at Walmart at 7:00am tomorrow.

However, the pesky little trickster was still not done with me, and by an amazing coincidence, after I had been walking around for 20 minutes trying to find the peanut butter and ending up in the last aisle which is Produce and spying from afar the bread on the far wall and remembering from five years ago when I was looking for Nutella (story for another time) that the peanut butter was right by the bread - right then I recognized the art teacher from the University, putting I have no idea what into a plastic bag, (her, not me. I was fixated on Skippy's Extra-Chunky), she recognized me and there was the good old repartee back one more time before I grabbed the big jar of Skippy's without looking at the price and headed home. In Zippy. 


The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:

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