Monday, November 23, 2020

Jupiter to the Midheaven

Here I've been quietly amusing myself by wondering what possible manifestation there can be of this considering my total and complete aloneness (? is that a word?) at the moment and then of course I realize it is indeed *true* - all I need to do is focus on what is taking place in my life and forget about dreams of glory of - of what? 

Of being *famous*? Nope. More of a horror than a glory to me. Of being *recognized*? More like it (thank you Michael for the Recognition chapter in Sunshines) but for what? Skipping lightly over that, what IS happening in my life with this aspect due to perfect tomorrow is that, for a start, I'm listening to a lot of hymns (!) on YouTube and have been for days and - and how could I have missed this, poor besotted soul that I am? - at the exact time of perfection the chimney sweep from A Better Chimney (DV, God Willing, If I'm spared etc.) will be here, er, cleaning the chimney.

OK, hymns first. Christmas is a'coming and I always start listening to real live Christmas Carols from England around this time. I don't remember listening to so many hymns of praise as I am right now - thanksgiving coming, very happy with my lot, rejoicing and giving thanks and all that.

Jupiter on the Midheaven: Culmination of many efforts resulting in success:

I must have been saying the chimney needed cleaning for five or six years. Wish I knew exactly when it was last done, but I know for the past few years, whenever I've lit the first fire of the season I've always felt a bit guilty and wondered if all the soot was going to catch fire etc. etc. It never has.  This year, about three weeks ago, after staring at "Chimney Swept" on the list for weeks and weeks, I did indeed call A Better Chimney and request an appointment. Surprise surprise, because of COVID they were very backed up and would have to call me back. At the end of last week they did (call back, that is) and give me tomorrow's date as the time they would be here - between 8:30 and 10:00am and the aspect perfects  at 11:30 or something.

About three days ago I put up the remaining tatters of prayer flags, all taken down when the back porch was redone at the end of May. 

And culmination of many efforts resulting in success: I have been noticing here some signs of actual change in my massive interior sort out and attempts to tidy up outside. Efforts been ongoing since August and finally, sometimes, I can acknowledge a change has taken place. Tomorrow I'll see if there's any concrete evidence of what I'm thinking. 

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