Sunday, November 29, 2020

Sun Trine Pluto

 Transformative energy, and all that. I'll settle for hanging a mirror - that would be enough of an intense and powerful experience for me. Moving in is proving to be done at a very leisurely pace, with the mirror sitting on the floor for probably the last three months. 

The big decision, of course, is whether to hang it in the middle of the wall where it will pick up some of the light from the big window or hang it closer to the 'Open' sign where it will pick up a lot more of the light but not be centered. I have until ten o'clock to figure that out, but according to astrodienst the aspect's in effect for the whole day, meaning I could also use the time to patch my dungarees while they're still patchable before one more wash leaves them in shreds. 

Supposedly I can make these changes rather easily, and derive great satisfaction from making them. The great satisfaction bit I know to be true, but whether I make them or not is, I suppose, up to me and good old free will. 

I once asked Michael Lutin whether he *believed* in free will, and his answer was that on a good day, yes he did. So far today's showing all signs of being exactly that - sunshine, a beautiful room, blue sky, green trees, not a sound anywhere except my tapping on the keyboard, a cat sound asleep beside me, a (fake) shouting match with my amazing sister on facebook over my consistently winning Lexulous  where I expressed myself forcefully and with considerable impact - I could go on but if that's not a good day I don't know what is.

Now if I want to use the available energy to its fullest I'll have to find someone to make an impression on (not too likely under current lockdown restrictions) so I think I'll settle for hanging the mirror and rejuvenating the dungarees. Don't think either of those qualify as being ruthless or selfish. Phew. 

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Mercury Opposed to the Ascendant

 "Enjoying Repartee", the site I go to all the time but am not going to name for once sums up this aspect, and I let myself stay in bed for two hours and write the exercise to upload to Jeffrey Sweet's Google Drive before noon. 

Too late to go to Walmart so I piddled around for an hour then zoomed into the meeting room, which had one other *student* there, and after a bit of back and forth we pieced together the narrative: There was a chance JS might be traveling on this Saturday, we were to be notified if there was to be no class today and we were not notified. Simple. 

Only one other student had uploaded a file to be critiqued. We emailed to tell her we were having a class with somewhat fewer participants than usual and soon after she popped up in her screen.  The three of us jabbered away for an hour and a half, able to ask questions of each other outside of class restraint and the two of us who'd submitted work got in a rehearsal for next time haha.   

Now the detail that always blows me away: 

aspect exact at 1:20pm.           

The three of us said "See you next week" at 1:30pm by my kitchen clock, which is ten minutes fast. I really should (AARRGGHH - I used the dreaded word)  stop marveling over this and just get on with it, but then I wouldn't have anything to write about haha.

So then off to Walmart secure in my knowledge that almost everyone in Silver is with family or friends on Saturday afternoons (SO easy for me to forget the pandemic) only to find, of course, that they now have two entrances open with a line of 30 or so socially distanced would-be shoppers at each one. 

When it happened last week it was only one entrance and only one line, but creature of habit that I am, I did exactly the same as I did then and took my lazy lazy self off to Alberston's, willing to pay through  the nose for the bare minimum of what I needed, mostly cat food, and vowing to be at Walmart at 7:00am tomorrow.

However, the pesky little trickster was still not done with me, and by an amazing coincidence, after I had been walking around for 20 minutes trying to find the peanut butter and ending up in the last aisle which is Produce and spying from afar the bread on the far wall and remembering from five years ago when I was looking for Nutella (story for another time) that the peanut butter was right by the bread - right then I recognized the art teacher from the University, putting I have no idea what into a plastic bag, (her, not me. I was fixated on Skippy's Extra-Chunky), she recognized me and there was the good old repartee back one more time before I grabbed the big jar of Skippy's without looking at the price and headed home. In Zippy. 


The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:

Friday, November 27, 2020

Jupiter Trine Ascendant

 People at their best, eh? Well I only saw two but considering I ended up with a new (ish) car and 15 Ikea sponges I have no complaints.

Also lit the first (indoor) fire of the season which is me at my best haha as I'm so lazy I don't do it very often because of all the work and clean-up involved.

Pretty nice Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Jupiter to the Midheaven

Here I've been quietly amusing myself by wondering what possible manifestation there can be of this considering my total and complete aloneness (? is that a word?) at the moment and then of course I realize it is indeed *true* - all I need to do is focus on what is taking place in my life and forget about dreams of glory of - of what? 

Of being *famous*? Nope. More of a horror than a glory to me. Of being *recognized*? More like it (thank you Michael for the Recognition chapter in Sunshines) but for what? Skipping lightly over that, what IS happening in my life with this aspect due to perfect tomorrow is that, for a start, I'm listening to a lot of hymns (!) on YouTube and have been for days and - and how could I have missed this, poor besotted soul that I am? - at the exact time of perfection the chimney sweep from A Better Chimney (DV, God Willing, If I'm spared etc.) will be here, er, cleaning the chimney.

OK, hymns first. Christmas is a'coming and I always start listening to real live Christmas Carols from England around this time. I don't remember listening to so many hymns of praise as I am right now - thanksgiving coming, very happy with my lot, rejoicing and giving thanks and all that.

Jupiter on the Midheaven: Culmination of many efforts resulting in success:

I must have been saying the chimney needed cleaning for five or six years. Wish I knew exactly when it was last done, but I know for the past few years, whenever I've lit the first fire of the season I've always felt a bit guilty and wondered if all the soot was going to catch fire etc. etc. It never has.  This year, about three weeks ago, after staring at "Chimney Swept" on the list for weeks and weeks, I did indeed call A Better Chimney and request an appointment. Surprise surprise, because of COVID they were very backed up and would have to call me back. At the end of last week they did (call back, that is) and give me tomorrow's date as the time they would be here - between 8:30 and 10:00am and the aspect perfects  at 11:30 or something.

About three days ago I put up the remaining tatters of prayer flags, all taken down when the back porch was redone at the end of May. 

And culmination of many efforts resulting in success: I have been noticing here some signs of actual change in my massive interior sort out and attempts to tidy up outside. Efforts been ongoing since August and finally, sometimes, I can acknowledge a change has taken place. Tomorrow I'll see if there's any concrete evidence of what I'm thinking. 

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Sun in the Seventh

Well it's been there for five days and for this past week I've been totally alone, so I can't say as how I've learned too much about myself through any intimate one-on-one encounters so far. 

Early days, though. Two and a half weeks to go.  

Friday, November 20, 2020

COVID Rising

I wish I'd coined it but I didn't. Anyway, because of it the tennis courts at the University here were locked down (up?) last Monday for two weeks, leaving me totally depressed and miserable until I woke up this morning, went on eBay and bought myself a newer denim shirt than the one I have (in rags) that I may or may not like when it gets here but it made me feel much better and then I realized Venus is opposing Venus and went outside for more clean-up. 

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Mars goes Direct...

 .... and I hang my head in shame at only today realizing his/its recent stationary retrograde position two degrees from *my* sun  just might *explain* my complete and total disinclination to do anything at all for the past two weeks except lounge around and read Carl Hiassen - yet another example of Astrologer Heal Thyself and You Cannot Do Your Own Chart. 

Never mind. The wind is in the sails now and I spent a happy afternoon playing with my indoor plants and then deciding, for the first time in my life, to soak my feet in a basin of hot water with Epson Salts in it and use a little nub of pumice stone to get the hard skin off my feet. 

Other than that I've never done it before, there's nothing too spectacular (and definitely nothing too glamorous) about it, until you realize that my natal Mars is in Pisces and Pisces rules the feet and so...

Here it goes again, being literal.

 it is maybe I haven't been feeling too energetic it's/he's the planet that rules *my* sun

Mercury trine Saturn

Serious thinking, eh? I'm not surprised, what with the past few weeks of Saturn squaring the little trickster and me not having Internet and then last week's preoccupation with Mildred, the 2004 Suburu Outback a long-time friend is giving me after its owner - friend's mother - died last month. 

And the problem with not doing this every day is that *preoccupations* with things like Mildred appear suddenly when they've been a concern for weeks, ever since I mentioned her to friends and one of them immediately offered to go to Boston to drive her back here, a wonderful idea except the poor old thing (Mildred, not friend) made it 200 miles to Poughkeepsie and collapsed, in need of a quadruple bypass and an organ transplant or two before going on. This while Zippy, much-loved little white Hyundai, sits in the driveway with the queen in the back seat in need of  a $1,800 new a/c system. (Zippy, not the queen.)

I know it's all part of the long-term transit of Uranus square Pluto that's been going on in the background for me and several million people close to me in age - for me, since May of this year and culminating in March. Nothing major haha, just sweeping away all the old and outworn structures we've built up and creating a total revolution in our lives, to paraphrase astrodienst, my favorite astrological site that Google won't let me link to, and I'm getting myself lost here in attempting to make up for not posting more often. 

Anyway, a nasty (hah!) day yesterday unable to do much except flop around and read Carl Hiassen, not the worst of all worlds by any means and you'd think by now I'd have learned that one day of sloth does NOT mean I'll never do anything constructive for the rest of my life, but there you go...

Today's a new day with sunshine and no wind and Pretty Boy appeared alive and well at the kitchen door as soon as I got up, having survived yet another night aside in the wild and heading straight for his plank when let in and sitting there squawking until brushed - and Trump has his share of VERY nasty transits ahead and all's right with the world. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Mercury opposed to Venus

Exact just about now: The simple joy of still waking up as though the time hasn't changed, making a cup of coffee and taking it back to bed to read the UK and US Press online, something I haven't been able to do for more than two weeks, in case no one noticed.

Not a very favorable time for any difficult mental work that requires great discipline? Is it ever for me these days?

The wheel is always turning though and next up is Sun square Moon early tomorrow, i.e. today, unless I'm going to start sleep-walking. Hmmm - emotion up against conscious will. Maybe conscious will will triumph and I'll make some of the many phone calls I've been supposed to make for weeks. 

And a quick look at Trump, with his basket full of horrible aspects that knocked me out of New York after 49 years waiting in the wings for him:

Mercury sextiles his Ascendant today, quickening the poor soul's mind (all this info courtesy of astrodienst, as always, even though until I sort it out Google won't let me link) and increasing his exchanges with other people. Oh oh - Twitter here he comes. If he ever left. 

Monday, November 9, 2020

Saturn square Mercury

 No Internet for more than two weeks. Aspect perfected at 1:27 am. 

Centurylink, who were supposed to come Friday - and I found this morning DID come Friday but didn't think I was home - arrived eight hours later, a day before I was told they would come when I had to reschedule. 

Internet back. 

We Can Really laugh at Him Now

 I know we did when he was president but there was also the  possibility of bursting into tears at the same time.

Now, as he bangs his fists on his high-chair and tries to get breakfast overturned, we can really laugh. Last seven words important.

Bossie is an external adviser to the president, and he has been tapped to lead the Trump campaign’s legal challenges in key battleground states, even though he is not a lawyer.

Couldn't resist.