Friday, July 31, 2020

Jupiter trine Jupiter

"They" (astrologers) are right when they say this one could go over your head if you're not paying attention. Every little aspect of your own little life seems to go swimmingly, without any effort on your part.

You're selling off a lot of no-longer-needed household stuff and the local Women's Club decides to hold a sale at the end of August and you book a booth. 

Just as you've decided to look at the idea notes you've been keeping since March, The Dramatists Guild (I'd link, but somehow this new version of Blogger keeps telling me "page not found" so I'm giving up) invites you to a Sunday Zoom Seminar on where *Theater* is going these days, and then the presenter announces a ten-week course on his techniques for playwriting, so you sign up and have to pay through PayPal and discover you have $330 sitting there that you didn't know you had, so the course is free and you have $80 left over.

A friend comes to stay for the weekend and is enough of a friend to relieve you of your old not-very-intelligent TV and give you $25 for it, no less, and another $25 for  *items* that won't be going to the Women's Club.

And even when your new TV proves to be defective the woman at Best Buy's Customer Service puts shipping a new one in motion, sends shipping labels for the old 'un of course, and while I haven't pursued it yet, it looks as though I can have UPS come and pick it up.

If I didn't know about astrology I think I'd think a good fairy was waving a magic wand over me.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Sun Conjunct Pluto

"You may be concerned today with repairing something that has broken down, such as an automobile or an appliance" is the way astrodienst describes the possible manifestations of the title aspect, and glossing over The New Blogger's inability to let me link to I'm sitting here staring at my super-duper brand new out-of-the-box 2020 Samsung Crystal UHD TU7000 Smart TV with an eighth of an inch gap between the screen and the back at the bottom right hand corner. 

There are times I could wish I were not so closely aligned with the Universe.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Transiting Venus into Two

Uncanny, really.

The Women's Club here is having a "sell your stuff" sale at the end of August and I signed up for an outside booth, $10, pay by Paypal.

A quick scrabble around for the piece of paper I wrote my latest Paypal password on and lo and behold, I have a balance of $330. A balance. It said it right there: Balance, $330.

I have absolutely no idea where that money came from, who gave it to me or why it's there. All I know is the day transiting Venus went into my second house, I went to Paypal to send money for a table in an upcoming sell your stuff *event* and there it was.


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Sun Square Venus

It's a good thing you can't be born with this because you really would think life is just a bowl of cherries.

Started by playing tennis doubles for an hour and a half and then three of us came up here and played UpWords and I dug up delosperma for them. I am going to have to break down and start using Google Photos.

Tennis peeps left, shower and change and off to the local health clinic to apply for sliding scale - has to be renewed every year - and then realized I could WALK to the dispensary next door, walk back to the car (no leg pain) and drive to the supermarket for my Kilt Lifter (new favorite beer), then back to the dental clinic to get my teeth cleaned.

One discordant note which I'm too lazy to add now, then back to the house and piddle around outside till it starts to rain, which it did at a nice steady pace for a good three or four hours.

As there have been exactly three downpours when we are in what-can-no-longer be called Monsoon Season when it is supposed to rain every day from July Fourth to the end of August, this was probably the highlight of the day.

Memo to Self: Begin the process of sorting out your five Google accounts and trying to get them all into one.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Sun square Mercury

So I had one thing I wanted to accomplish for the day - a goal, I suppose, except I've never been very good at those: get the blue velvet wing chairs that were in what used to be the airbnb room and as of Friday were out on the front porch photographed and posted on Grant County Goodies for a giveaway price because the brutal afternoon New Mexico sun would fade them in no time at all.

Result: success by 10:30am, $50 richer and a nice little lesson in why I've never been very good at goals: they require motivation and a clear plan of action to carry them out. Who knew?

And from astrodienst "Unless your thinking and communications are very poorly thought out, you should be able to accomplish whatever you set out to."

Astrology is so silly.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Sun opposed to the Midheaven

Or it will be later tonight and I'm supposed to stay home but I got off to a good start at 8:30 this morning when I went to the dump, something I've never done before as I always thought there would be a long line of people in cars doing the same thing.

There was no one in front of me when I drew up at the Stop sign for the weigh-house. I just had to wait for the one truck that was leaving and being weighed before I got waved through to the Open Pits and could throw everything in. No more recycling here means a lot more to take to the dump.

Straight back to the house and started filling up more bags so I can spend the next two weeks torturing myself about having to go to the dump. Not doing airbnb means I have an awful lot of stuff to get rid off, mini-fridge, microwave and toaster oven to start.

Hope I'm not jumping the gun here, but if I am and get everything cleaned out and decide to change my mind I can simply rent out the other side of Big Sunny Space instead. See last paragraph of yesterday's post for more details.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Mars sextile Uranus

An off-shoot of Uranus square Pluto in the background leading me to think I've done with airbnb which I've been *doing* for seven years, I spent the morning - or 20 minutes of it, anyway -  dragging furniture from the airbnb room out on to the front porch, a slightly more stylish version of the Native New Mexican custom of loading it up with discarded washing machines and fridges.

Once the decision is made, says one of the Runes I get a lot, the doing is effortless. Not really what I'd call my morning's labor, but it didn't take long and I know the "effortless" is not to be taken literally.

For the first time since buying the place in 2002 I'm going to be living in the whole house by myself. The airbnb room becomes my massive bedroom and my dear little room in the Northeast corner of the house becomes the guest room, something so far beyond anything I ever thought I would have I was blown away when I realized that's what it'll become.

What I could do, of course, if I wanted to give it a try and I just might because it would make me keep the whole house in order 24/7, would be what I've joked about for years - live in the annex JDG built on for himself when we bought the house and put the old bit - *my* bedroom and bathroom, a living room, dining room and kitchen complete with front porch and back patio - on airbnb for an exorbitant amount of money haha.

More, as JDG always says, will be revealed.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Venus conjunct Uranus

Hot hot hot with no air-conditioning for the nth day in a row. Sunday friends coming over and we're going to attempt to watch Tom Hank's new movie on my non-smart TV in the airbnb room, thanks to my new iPhone 11 which gives me a free year of Apple TV.

Off I go to Walmart to buy the air-conditioner I said I would never buy. None to buy. To Ace for the same reason, same result.

A brilliant idea strikes. Get a room at the Motel 6 and have a mini vacation cum inside picnic with AIR-CONDITIONING. Pet friendly, so Pretty Boy can come as well. Check in at one, leave at eleven the next day - senior discount, cheap as chips, piece o'cake, great excitement, make the reservation, can I break it with no penalty if the others involved don't want to do it? Of course, cancel by six tonight, no problem.

Phone calls, great excitement, hey, why don't we.....?

We don't, as no one else is being visited by a Venus Uranus conjunction. Call and cancel the reservation. Discover need Apple TV box to watch Apple TV. Watch two old episodes of Jeopardy instead. Temperature drops to 85 by seven pm and we eat outside on the patio.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Mars trine Pluto

Finally - a scrap of energy after a week of heat-induced lethargy and sloth and an hour's *gardening* done before 8:00 am. Not that I'm not usually up at this time. Three days a week I've been playing tennis for 30 minutes with another hour to go, except yesterday I couldn't even manage that and gave up at 8:30, with my fellow players finally coming around to my "anybody want to start at seven" speech at the beginning of last week. Monday at seven it is. 

And only 81 degrees at 8:3 am, with the day's high supposed to be 87. Very good news when it's been hovering around 95 all week, and there was even five whole minutes of rain yesterday, the first to fall in July when we're *supposed* to be two weeks into Monsoon Season. 

Very strange to have been coming out here less than 20 years and yet to see climate change in full force right in front of *one's* eyes. 

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Sun trine Mars

So yesterday I played tennis with the Raspberries, of whom I am thrilled to be one, and then went to Walmart to take back the Tracfone sim card kit I bought last week, which was supposed to have a regular, smaller (?) and nano sim card in it, except all the cards were exactly the same size and none of them fit into my new iPhone I've been threatening to buy for the past two years but have been putting  off because of exactly what's happening now.

So I tell the nice young man at the counter that none of the cards fit, and he tells me they will, so I ask him to put one in my new phone which I have very cleverly taken with me, and he does, and tells me I'll just have to trial and error to get the correct one of the three in the kit as I've mixed them all up in my attempts to get them to fit.

So I say thank you and come back to the house and take a photo of the one he put in its little tray, so I'll know just how it fits, and then I try the OLD sim card I've taken out of my poor little 5 SE and try to fit it into the new phone tray, as ENG told me I could do last week, and lo and behold, this time it fits, and I'm able to restore the back up I made from the old phone into the new phone, and all I have to do now is call tracfone and give them the serial number of the new phone and have them switch service over and I'm in business.

Piece o'cake.