Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Mercury conjunct Natal North Node in Cancer in 3

This was Friday and Saturday, and I don't think I left the house except to play tennis early and go to Walmart before I had to wait in line. (I  have so far managed to schedule my affairs so that I haven't had to do that.)

And now it's already Wednesday and one day I might realize that if I don't do this every day I may as well not bother.

I was just about to link to the first astrological blog I did to prove that once upon a time I DID write every day but when I go to it I get the dreaded "Your current account does not give you access.....".  I wonder if other people can get into it if they want. The link is there for anyone wanting to try.

I think I started it in '08, '09, years before I was living here (NM) full time. THERE'S a little project I could give myself, trying to figure out which of my five google accounts would let me into it. God knows I made enough fuss about spending hours trying to get into this one, only to write in it once a week or so, but there you go, I'm only human.....

That was going to be a link to WNMU and the online art exhibition that was NOT supposed to be virtual but it's time for tennis and I have to stop.

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