Thursday, June 18, 2020

Jupiter trine Ascendant

astrodienst calls this "People at their Best"

This  morning I went to Walmart, got everything on the list, only had to get assistance once at the Self-Service, knew where my car was, took the cart to a cart place, turned the ignition and the car didn't start.

The wheel seemed locked and wouldn't move, something that's happened before. I managed to weasel out of it somehow that time but this time it was hopeless. Get the Guide out, look up what the symbols on the - the - dashboard? The place where the symbols show. Brake fluid and battery.

Feel very relieved at having a working phone and knowing from past experience that having an expired AAA card doesn't matter if you paid the bill, off I went to Roadside Assistance, holding the card in my right hand in case they wanted a membership number.

Surprise! Friends I hadn't realized had been parked so closely recognize me and slowly drive up parallel to me smiling and waving, and I frantically wave my left hand holding the phone and my right waving the AAA card and they keep on going, leaving me feeling a little as though I'd been cast away on a desert island with a great big HELP spelled out on the beach in sea shells and the helicopter had just flown over with the pilot giving me a friendly wave before disappearing into the distance.

Well, not quite. There was nothing that they could have done unless they had some extra brake fluid on them. It was just one of those *you had to be there* moments, and they DID come back as I texted a mutual friend to tell her what had happened.

End result was I made it to an auto store, bought a new battery, store employee unable to leave the store "because of this virus thing" to install it for me, and a customer shopping in the store overheard my plight and offered to install it for me for ten bucks. A people at his best.

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