Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Is the Midheaven Your Sun?

I have no idea whether it is or not, but it's a thought I posit (!) after  weeks and weeks of this Pluto on the Mid-heaven business that's been going on for me since March.  (I could equally as well have posted this under "Why You Can Never *DO*  Your Own Chart.)

Pluto to the Midheaven! And Saturn! And Jupiter! MY Midheaven - 24 Capricorn 58! I've been anticipating this for at least five years - much much longer - but that was when I did a three-wheel chart: Natal in the middle, transits next, and Progressed on the outside. (Thinks - what happened to THAT?)

ANYWAY - it was all very intriguing (if not excellent fodder for fantastical daydreams about winning a prize for writing a play and getting some RECOGNITION - well, that was it. There wasn't any and. That was as far as the dream would go for an Aries Twelfth House Sun - intercepted, no less - with Mercury and Venus in Aries close by to keep it company and then - O Glorious Joke that I Think I Have Finally Gotten  - a natal South Node in Capricorn in the Ninth.

So here's the time I've been waiting for for ten years or so  (you know, all those media appearances and being on talk shows because someone stole into my bedroom one night and stole (hah! That would be fun to explain  at Literacy Link) a script and somehow it got published and then produced or something - honest, I never did go any further with The Dream but I'm trying to make a point here) -  here on my six acres a mile away from the Gila National Forest in the very unfashionable south-western corner of New Mexico. Go through a stop light and you're in Arizona. (That is not true.)

And the joke - the joke? I'm actually not quite sure I DO get it.

Pondering necessary.  TBC.

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