Thursday, June 25, 2020

Mars opposed to Chiron, Sun conjunct Saturn...

....and opposed to Neptune by the time the day is over.

This is my new resolution - to get back to posting on here nearly every day, which is what I used to do in the olden days when I was much more wrapped up in astrology than I am now, so even though it's only seven o'clock I'm getting a head start here.

What I *know *about the day to come is that if things go according to plan I'm meeting a friend at nine to go off to Bayard to pick free apricots, then coming home (I can say that after eight years) and another friend is coming for lunch (she's bringing it) and also bringing a new neighbour of hers she would like me to meet.

How this all goes I hope to describe on here later, no matter how crazy Robert Hand thinks I am.

To be continued.

Written two days later so as usual have lost interest. If I can start a new habit (of course I can, haha) it is to post in here - well, nearly everyday : All of that happened with a miraculous find of a thrift shop

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Jupiter on the Midheaven

What to do when Jupiter returns to the MC while you're still in lockdown, just as you were when it made the first pass?

Sit yourself down and buy the new iPhone you've been saying you're going to buy for about two years, knowing your little 5 SE's days are numbered and its keyboard is so tiny texting is becoming more and more difficult.

Arrives on Tuesday, when Venus hits Uranus and the Sun squares Jupiter.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Mars conjunct Part of Fortune

My PoF is in Pisces in the Twelfth so I never expect diamonds and gold.

Went to play tennis in the morning and one of the women arrived with eight plastic Walmart bags and a big pail like you would use for concrete (?) half full of apricots. 

Best fruit ever apart from figs. Lucky old me.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Jupiter trine Ascendant

astrodienst calls this "People at their Best"

This  morning I went to Walmart, got everything on the list, only had to get assistance once at the Self-Service, knew where my car was, took the cart to a cart place, turned the ignition and the car didn't start.

The wheel seemed locked and wouldn't move, something that's happened before. I managed to weasel out of it somehow that time but this time it was hopeless. Get the Guide out, look up what the symbols on the - the - dashboard? The place where the symbols show. Brake fluid and battery.

Feel very relieved at having a working phone and knowing from past experience that having an expired AAA card doesn't matter if you paid the bill, off I went to Roadside Assistance, holding the card in my right hand in case they wanted a membership number.

Surprise! Friends I hadn't realized had been parked so closely recognize me and slowly drive up parallel to me smiling and waving, and I frantically wave my left hand holding the phone and my right waving the AAA card and they keep on going, leaving me feeling a little as though I'd been cast away on a desert island with a great big HELP spelled out on the beach in sea shells and the helicopter had just flown over with the pilot giving me a friendly wave before disappearing into the distance.

Well, not quite. There was nothing that they could have done unless they had some extra brake fluid on them. It was just one of those *you had to be there* moments, and they DID come back as I texted a mutual friend to tell her what had happened.

End result was I made it to an auto store, bought a new battery, store employee unable to leave the store "because of this virus thing" to install it for me, and a customer shopping in the store overheard my plight and offered to install it for me for ten bucks. A people at his best.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Mercury conjunct Natal North Node in Cancer in 3

This was Friday and Saturday, and I don't think I left the house except to play tennis early and go to Walmart before I had to wait in line. (I  have so far managed to schedule my affairs so that I haven't had to do that.)

And now it's already Wednesday and one day I might realize that if I don't do this every day I may as well not bother.

I was just about to link to the first astrological blog I did to prove that once upon a time I DID write every day but when I go to it I get the dreaded "Your current account does not give you access.....".  I wonder if other people can get into it if they want. The link is there for anyone wanting to try.

I think I started it in '08, '09, years before I was living here (NM) full time. THERE'S a little project I could give myself, trying to figure out which of my five google accounts would let me into it. God knows I made enough fuss about spending hours trying to get into this one, only to write in it once a week or so, but there you go, I'm only human.....

That was going to be a link to WNMU and the online art exhibition that was NOT supposed to be virtual but it's time for tennis and I have to stop.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Jupiter on the Midheaven

Second time around, and just like the first time, back in March, I'm here in this beautiful house with its three beautiful gardens (truth, not boasting, and to be absolutely truthful you do have to walk through a couple of uncultivated desert wastelands to get from one to the other but hey, I've only lived here full-time 12 years and to get a blade of grass to grow here is an accomplishment) - as I was saying, supreme cosmic joke continues as the world goes up in flames and I'm here watering the flowers and decorating the mirror frame.

A statement of fact, NOT a complaint.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Mars Opposed to Jupiter

I wondered why I was finally tackling painting the big mirror I had made before Christmas and lo and behold! astrodienst had the answer, as usual. Mars opposed to Jupiter 2:00 am tomorrow, when I hope I shall be sound asleep but fortunately for me, it's already kicking in.

The kitchen "garden" window is crying out to be cleaned, and all the plants in it, although they're succluents, are crying out to be taken out of it or in some way I've yet to figure out, be shaded while they're there.

They have to be watered every single day and still they're not happy. Thinking cap required.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Sun Square Jupiter

I didn't get very much done today but I had a wonderful time not doing it. No tennis, no need to be out of the house by 7:15 - that's an hour earlier than I used to leave the house when I worked - no need to be anywhere at all except here, here being the house. My house.

That's amazing in and of itself.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Uranus square Pluto

OK, so my Good Girl went out and never came back. I now have one cat - Pretty Boy George to give him his never-used full title. She was Good Girl Charlotte, but only me and friend who christened her knew.

Right now I'm not doing airbnb and am beginning to live in the bit that used to be the airbnb. Very nice, and I understand why people like it here. Big Sunny , that is. For the first time ever, I'm living in the whole house - the bit that was here before John and I bought it and the bit he built on for himself, even though he never wanted to buy it but was sober and felt that he had made a promise (to me I guess) and couldn't go back on it.

I say "beginning to live" because I'm not yet doing it properly - I'm scattered all over the whole house because my closet is in the room I'm not sleeping in now and the room I'm sleeping in now has a really big walk-in closet that I was envious of when John built it for himself but was the airbnb closet and I don't want to take it over completely in case I go back to doing airbnb in September.

So I spend a lot of time running around looking for things, which I basically have always done here because I've never really lived here. I believe I am in flux.

There's something else but I can't remember what it is.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Is the Midheaven Your Sun?

I have no idea whether it is or not, but it's a thought I posit (!) after  weeks and weeks of this Pluto on the Mid-heaven business that's been going on for me since March.  (I could equally as well have posted this under "Why You Can Never *DO*  Your Own Chart.)

Pluto to the Midheaven! And Saturn! And Jupiter! MY Midheaven - 24 Capricorn 58! I've been anticipating this for at least five years - much much longer - but that was when I did a three-wheel chart: Natal in the middle, transits next, and Progressed on the outside. (Thinks - what happened to THAT?)

ANYWAY - it was all very intriguing (if not excellent fodder for fantastical daydreams about winning a prize for writing a play and getting some RECOGNITION - well, that was it. There wasn't any and. That was as far as the dream would go for an Aries Twelfth House Sun - intercepted, no less - with Mercury and Venus in Aries close by to keep it company and then - O Glorious Joke that I Think I Have Finally Gotten  - a natal South Node in Capricorn in the Ninth.

So here's the time I've been waiting for for ten years or so  (you know, all those media appearances and being on talk shows because someone stole into my bedroom one night and stole (hah! That would be fun to explain  at Literacy Link) a script and somehow it got published and then produced or something - honest, I never did go any further with The Dream but I'm trying to make a point here) -  here on my six acres a mile away from the Gila National Forest in the very unfashionable south-western corner of New Mexico. Go through a stop light and you're in Arizona. (That is not true.)

And the joke - the joke? I'm actually not quite sure I DO get it.

Pondering necessary.  TBC.