Friday, May 1, 2020

Venus Square Jupiter

Well I don't think I bought anything extravagant unless you consider $2.97 on a tension rod to put in a doorway for a little bit of extra privacy for me and my new camping-out tenants to be excessive, but it was a much better than normal day as I discovered I can still play tennis.

It's been in doubt for six months or so, ever since the pain in my left calf came back soon after I had the *procedure* to cure it - a kind of roto-rooter-outer  to blow out the accumulated plaque from the partially blocked artery. Six months to four years, the surgeon said it lasted, and I automatically assumed I'd be one of the lucky ones.

I wasn't. It took a record-breaking four months before my calf started to hurt again when I took more than 50 or so steps, which began to happen when I was on vacation in Hawaii in February while Saturn was squaring my Mercury, which just happens to rule my Sixth House. Astrologer, glance at the ephemeris when making plans.

Because I didn't finish this this morning when I began to write it I've now completely lost interest in it. I may or may not add to it tomorrow.

Monday May 4th

Not even the tomorrow. Three days later. Wrap-up - got myself a stair step machine, used it and think I have actually *cured* (or enabled myself to be better or whatever you want to call it) myself enough that I can play tennis again, which I just did.

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