Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Mars sextile Venus

So I got my reward today for all the replenishing the soil with steer manure I've been doing for what seems like and probably is weeks - off to Ace for yet more garden soil and steer manure and then to Country Girls - no website but I think they're on Facebook - where I made the mistake of walking straight into the greenhouse before being told very nicely that there were already the lawful number of people inside and I'd have to wait until one came out. Ah yes, COVID-19. Affecting the lives of people everywhere.

Anyway, as is usually the case when Mars and Venus get together for me with no drug addicts, alcoholics or homeless people in sight (Natal Mars in Pisces), something creative gets done, and if it isn't that creative to plant annuals in a garden, the end result is pretty to look at and tomorrow I need to go and get some more.

This is probably the lamest post I have ever written. Hope so, anyway.

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