Monday, October 30, 2017

Mars Conjunct Neptune

Fortunately (or not) for me this means Mars is squaring Saturn, and for once I was able to get through a list of boring and painstaking *tasks*. Whether this was due to astrological influences or because I've cheerfully decided to triple the dose of my antidepressant I'm not sure, but either way it felt good. Slowly but slowly I'm working my way through sorting through clothes and making alterations to those that need, er, altering. I took photographs of the wildflowers that are still blooming and reframed a piece of embroidery, reminding myself never to compare myself to anyone else or I'd have been back in bed in five minutes.          

This was yesterday. This morning I woke up, turned on the heat and nothing happened. This is when I'm glad I have some knowledge of astrology. No seething inside for me. I'm saving that for when I take the car in at eight o'clock and they're not done in the ninety minutes they said they would be haha.

Oh boy - is this the joke's on me or not? Read on...

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