Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Mars Conjunct Neptune and Sun Square Pluto

... so to continue with the joke's on me, I got to the service station place at eight o'clock on the dot except I'd put the hour back the night before because the U.K. Daily Mail told me to so I got there at nine o'clock on the dot.....

.... which meant it took them two and a half hours to fix the car so I couldn't play tennis and to add Pluto's insult to injury it turned out the car needs a new alternator as well as all the other stuff it needed so I need to take it back tomorrow for another Saturn in the Eighth $300. Good thing it's only money.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Mars Conjunct Neptune

Fortunately (or not) for me this means Mars is squaring Saturn, and for once I was able to get through a list of boring and painstaking *tasks*. Whether this was due to astrological influences or because I've cheerfully decided to triple the dose of my antidepressant I'm not sure, but either way it felt good. Slowly but slowly I'm working my way through sorting through clothes and making alterations to those that need, er, altering. I took photographs of the wildflowers that are still blooming and reframed a piece of embroidery, reminding myself never to compare myself to anyone else or I'd have been back in bed in five minutes.          

This was yesterday. This morning I woke up, turned on the heat and nothing happened. This is when I'm glad I have some knowledge of astrology. No seething inside for me. I'm saving that for when I take the car in at eight o'clock and they're not done in the ninety minutes they said they would be haha.

Oh boy - is this the joke's on me or not? Read on...

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Venus opposed to Sun...

.. and much too cold to get out of bed. Forty-two degrees and thirty-three last night - first time this year Pretty Boy has asked to come in in the middle of the night. Supposed to get to sixty-three today so if there's no wind a perfect day for continuing to clean up outside. We shall see.

To be continued:

Well, three espressos and back to sleep - has to be some kind of record. Three phone calls - another record - one asking if I'd let a couch surfer I don't know stay in the airbnb room for a night. No. Another wondering if I'd be home so a book I'd asked about could be dropped off. Yes. Last one from a would-be neighbor telling she was unable to keep the house and would be moving out. Hate to say sad, under the circumstances, but sad.

Any outside work? Hahahahaha.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Sun Trine Saturn

Praise the Lord for this one - just as I'd decided my life from now on in would be playing tennis in the mornings and then retiring to bed for the rest of the day and reading the Daily Mail, here I am rearranging my little bedroom for the winter so I don't freeze sleeping in the ell of the two big windows without even thinking about it - just walk in, decide to do it and so help me, do it.

Looks horrible, but I knew it would. It's time to decide whether I want to keep the iMac and so the desk or let it go and - gasp - perhaps not even HAVE a desk. Way too much to contemplate for today. I can for the first day in what seems like ages feel as though I've accomplished something other than watering the plants.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Uranus Conjunct Mercury

I'm not sure what it says about me that I barely notice this. A couple of unexpected events - wasps in the airbnb room, a chance (hah!) meeting with an astrologer I have heard about for fifteen years but never encountered, the recirculating pump for hot water doing the reverse of its supposed function and cutting OFF hot water to both bathrooms - but thoughts coming at me so quickly I can't handle them and wanting to share my new insights with everyone I meet - not a chance. Sad.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Sun Trine Moon

I should take it as a positive that I spent this day sitting in front of a computer for four hours attempting to force an artificial ending onto a play I've been "writing" for six years before giving up and realizing I need to start again.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Mercury Opposed to the Sun

 Being a much more take charge person than I think I am, I had decided my new potential tennis partner needed a lesson from Coach so she doesn't make all the mistakes I did when I started to play again after many years.

(I started to take lessons ten years ago, was one of the worst in the class, and the other worst in the class and I decided that rather than embarrass ourselves in public twice a week, we'd start to play together and pick up all kinds of horrible playing habits that meant we continued to be terrible.  Only when I broke my wrist four years ago (Pluto to the south node) and then tore a rotator cuff the next year (Pluto STILL on the south node) did I start to take lessons again when my shoulder was healed and have now just about reached beginner status.)

Three of the six courts at the university where we play are being reconstructed from the ground up, and when I arrived at 8:50 am for the 9:00 semi-private lesson Coach was already there and greeted me with the news that the three available courts were occupied.

This is so boring I am putting myself back to sleep, but the supposed point of it is that a mini comedy of errors ensued and he and I drove from parking lot to parking lot looking for my potential partner, whom I had neglected to tell which parking lot to go to and was sitting forlornly on the steps overlooking the occupied courts, until the three of us connected at last and drove to the high school, where all six courts were empty.  You had to be there.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Jupiter Opposed to Venus

So since I got the queen bed for the bnb and moved the full-size that used to be in there into my tiny back bedroom, the single bed that I used to sleep on became obsolete.

I bought the base with its two drawers and extra storage under the plywood at Gospel Mission thrift shop back in the days when they used to have furniture and paid $5 for it. The mattress was my Christmas present to myself two years ago and was latex foam from Overstock and J gave me the Ralph Lauren sheets for it. The mattress pad I bought at Walmart.

And yesterday, with Jupiter opposed to Venus, after listing it on Grant County Goodies for $30 for the whole kit and caboodle for less than 24 hours, it was snapped up, carted away, the front porch no longer looks like an airbnb outdoor experience and I am $30 richer, a very good thing as since I upgraded to the queen bed I have had absolutely no bookings whatsoever.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Venus and Mars Conjunct Jupiter

The Mars bit was easy - a tennis lesson where where a male class-mate lent me a good racket to use for a couple of weeks as a replacement for my $10 Walmart head, which he says is holding back my game.

The Venus bit - lazy lazy lazy, no motivation whatsoever to put the house back in order after the previous two days when *handymen* descended to take care of a multitude DIY tasks I'm incapable of doing myself - repairing a ceiling after a leak, re-attaching a towel hook to the wall, replacing a doorknob, making a new gate to keep the deer out, helping me move furniture yet again after the replacing the full-size bed in the airbnb room with a queen size and then putting the old double bed into my tiny back bedroom and God knows what else, leaving every room in the house in a state of chaos.

Best of all, of course, was the decision NOT to tile my bathroom as it would involve removing the sink and lavatory and take about a week, which I cannot afford to do as since I blacked out time on airbnb to - hysterical laughter - replace the full bed with a queen, I fell to the bottom of the third page of listings, am never seen and have had no bookings for weeks.

Very little of this has anything to do with Venus conjunct Jupiter but the lesson to me is clear: take the title of this blog seriously or give it up.

Sun Trine Uranus

It has to be at least six years since I bought a couple of boxes of ceramic tile at a yard sale in California, thinking that I'd get the bathroom tiled. Since then they've been sitting in a shed where the trash and recycling gets kept getting dirtier and dirtier.

Well, that was written four days ago and was all I could manage. Back to am I lazy, depressed or seventy-two, or, most horrific thought of all and one I had better acknowledge if I am ever able to do anything about it, is my dream of *being a writer* exactly that - a pipe dream?

Glossing over that, making a supreme effort and attempting to finish the post, I spent the day piling the tiles in the kitchen sink, scrubbing each one, placing them outside on the front porch in the sun to dry and then bringing in the dry ones, putting out more wet ones, etc. etc. etc.

You had to be there.