Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Mercury Square Venus

I'm not sure this has anything to do with today's aspect but things are definitely looking up - I just *activated* (pulled a tab out from) the solar lights for the bnb peeps' outside steps which I bought only two months ago - huge progress.

Now if I can just replace the Anderson window opener thingie that's been here since April of 2015, set up the Blu-Ray player that came out of its box last week thanks to M, call T the plumber to deal with the low water pressure in the bnb bathroom, buy a new shade for one of the windows in the bnb room, get the room ready for this afternoon's peeps and maybe - but this is so big I don't think I should put it on today's list - take the scanner I bought THIS April to digitize old photos out of its box and get THAT set up.

I mean I don't want to get carried away or anything. It was only last week that I got the ashes out of the used-twice-this-winter fireplace, dusted off the fire screen and put cardovan shoe polish on the bricks. No need to over-do it.

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