Saturday, July 30, 2016

Sun Conjunct Pluto

So just as I'm losing interest in astrology after 20 years - not losing it enough to NOT go to astrodienst every day to check out the transits but not having it fill major portions of my everyday  life as it did for years- I realize again what an astonishingly useful tool for living it is and am inspired enough to make a post on here.

So this morning I'm expecting something not to function and wondering what it will be when I go to log on usual to see what's happening in the rest of the world and get the "You are not connected to the Internet message".

My network doesn't show up in the list available, and instead of getting annoyed I realize my bnb guests must be online and their connection is knocking me out. Having met them yesterday, I'm pretty sure they won't take kindly to my knocking on the door and asking if I can reset the modem, so take my cup of coffee back to bed and start reading The Dukan Diet that I got for ten cents at one of the thrift shops on Wednesday. I digress by adding I then went straight to Albertson's and bought the eight pieces of fried chicken for $3.99 but I don't care.

So - at 10:28 I see bnb-er's car take off down the driveway and by the time I've reset the modem and told Network Diagnostics yes, it's fine, I always give you access to my keychain and you don't have to ask me every time etc. etc., I finally get online at about 10:45, with the Sun conjuncting Pluto at 10:57.  Haha I beat Pluto.

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