Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Saturn Opposed to Uranus

Well I suppose I thought that with transiting Saturn in the Seventh opposing natal Saturn in the First this was going to manifest in a big blow-up with someone or at least difficulties in some kind of one-on-one relationship <hysterical laughter>, and have been almost congratulating myself that neither of those things have happened.

(Please God let me not be writing too soon, as this is exact tomorrow and then again at the end of September.)

Slowly slowly slowly it dawns that what's actually going on is that that Uranus in the First, presumably one of the sources of that wonderful creativity other people seem to recognize in me and often congratulate me for, is under siege from boring old Saturn and all the *structures* in my life that very definitely demand attention at the moment, with the result that I go off in the morning and run around the tennis course for the lesson and then come back here and retire to bed for the rest of the day rather than tackle any of the *things* that need doing.

"Scrape all this peeling paint off me", screams the well house, "but make sure to put a cloth of some kind down on the ground first so you can pick the fragments up easily, and then when you've done that get the roller and the long pole and the paint you bought last month and for chrissake paint me so I don't look as though I've been abandoned for years.

"Then when you've finished with that, get the hose and clean off the water trough thing that has unused Earth Boxes in it in front of the well house and spray it green and then repaint the white wooden steps leading up to the door and everything will look spic and span and fresh and cared-for and well-maintained and look as though you have some pride in the place where you live and you will feel fabulous."

"Yeah, what about me?" says the saltillo tile floor in the living room that still has the paint remover smear on it from a year ago when I was dragging the huge wooden-framed mirror that came out from New York that I was trying to strip from the front porch to the back patio when it was only half done for reasons I can no longer remember...

Let's not even go near the unanswered emails and the unopened mail and the dust on the black shelves and the scanner that's been in the box it was delivered in probably three months ago and the "play" that's been in the works for six years and the "Color TV in Every Room" sign that needs holes drilled in it and the arroyo that's going to flood because the pipes that go underneath it don't work...

Exactly. Let's not. And I always thought the slowest moving planet won.

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