Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Sun Opposed to Mars

I always forget (!) that this is going to come after the Sun squares Uranus, but thank god it did, because I was still reeling from the snake incident when I got a call at five pm asking if it would be OK if the kitchen got painted today - meaning I had to swing into action mode immediately, even if my head was full of snake and what am I doing here.

Somewhat lost in all of this was a trine from Venus to Mercury, supposedly promising me a day of pleasant thoughts, easy intellectual exchanges with other people and general light-heartedness and good times. Ha! The slowest moving planet wins, and all that.

I was hoping I could slip in the kitchen cabinets as a little extra for M and S to paint, as well as the walls and ceiling, but no such luck. They have other work and planned to knock the kitchen out in one day, so I'm now faced with the moral dilemma of whether or not I remove the hinges from the kitchen cabinets before I paint them or do what my Aries self wants me to do and paint around them, a la Slapdash Studio.

Assuming that I'm taking the appearance of the snake as a little sign for me to shed my old skin and do things differently, it's the former. Assuming you can't teach an old dog new tricks, it will be the latter, Mars opposed to the Sun or not.

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