Saturday, September 6, 2014

Mercury conjunct Neptune square Saturn

No idea how this fitted into the equation yesterday, what Mars sextiling the Midheaven and Venus trining Venus as well. All I know is two friends came over for a finger food lunch, I introduced them to Upwords and ended up with the lowest score.

But wait - Saturn was indeed lurking around as I got an email from the client I'm supposedly doing a transcribing job for that I can scarcely bring myself to work on, and we are to speak today about final corrections on a finished interview. How could I forget? So I am going to try to be a big girl and WORK - because it is WORK - on the transcribing job for a couple of hours before we speak at five. Gloom descends as I write that last sentence.

Perhaps Mercury being in six now will help, she said unconvincingly....

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