Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Mars trine Pluto

A good thing this is in effect, as I have now added road repair to my list of skills. The astonishing rains of the past ten days have left a deep rut in the driveway, right where it forks. Reversing over it yesterday, before I knew it was there ha ha, the whole back of the car that got screwed on before I went to Florida got dislodged, and could now use a new couple of screws.

So far the materials used in road repair have been small stones, pine needles, kitty litter (well-known to be an especially durable patching material), and finally mud scraped off the parking pad and transported in the garden puller thing down to the rut and shoveled in to be finally covered with gravel scraped from another part of the driveway.

The chairs on the back patio have been covered and uncovered five times today, as the rain keeps on coming. I have airb&b guests on the way from Tucson, or would have left them covered.

In other news, the Marimekko trivets are now hanging on the hutch in the addition, which has freed up my favorite English Fish and Chips plates for use at the table. The holes in the Marimekko shower curtain have yet to be made bigger, which would make it usable, and there is still no curtain in the guest bathroom, just the two dollar folding paper shade that's been there since 2002. Little by slow, but nothing wrong with that.

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