Monday, November 4, 2013

Venus Trine Venus

So when Mars squared Uranus  last Friday I got a call from a summer-time friend here to say she was leaving for Florida, where she and her husband spend winters, and was I interested in a big box of hens and chicks that she'd dug up as they wouldn't make it through the winter outside.

(This seemed like answered prayers as house guest and I had not been able to make it to the cactus ranch in ToC, but when I asked if he wanted any he said he didn't think his Home Owners Association would allow it. I let it pass.)

Along with the Hs and Cs was a great mound of Burro's Tail and a couple of small cacti, which house guest did take, and finally, yesterday, I spent a happy three hours potting up the bounty - photograph to follow just as soon as I figure out how to post ha ha. Okay, so I KNOW how to post. I wish I were using another template so photos would look better. Sigh.

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