Saturday, November 9, 2013

Venus Square Neptune

So here we are again with everyonceinawhileastrology, wondering when we shall finally admit to ourselves that we are far too lazy and also too disinterested to post on here, and if we changed the name of the blog to thisoldhouse we would have a lot more to write about.

That said, this post title had us (body and soul, that is) wandering around Ace Hardware for an hour or so this morning, first in the garden department for the hour and then a quick waltz around the aisles for a heat lamp and bulb for the well house and some acrylic paints so I can change the color of the handmade rug I've been given so it will fit in with the rest of the house.

Then, as there's a square between Saturn and Neptune in my natal chart, I spent the rest of the day planting the things I'd bought in the garden department and then doing yard work for the rest of the day. Not a loved one in sight and the only soft light came from the heat lamp I bought ha ha.

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