Sunday, November 17, 2013

Full Moon on Descendant with Mars Conjunct Jupiter

So all I was planning on doing yesterday was stripping more paint off the 1940s phone table seat thing I bought at the *estate sale* back in March when I got the tree trunks, painting the little corner piece from Marketplace white and slowly working my way through the long long list of other boring house things that need doing, fully prepared to wake up in the middle of the night to meet whoever was going to appear when the full moon hit my descendant/ascendant axis.

One of the items on the list was "light pilot on stove" and to my real and true amazement, by looking at how-to videos on YouTube and sticking my tongue out of the corner of my mouth, I was able to do it, so was already over the moon, as my brother would say, when D suggested we go to the SouthWest Women's Fibre Arts Collective Festival or whatever it was called at the, er, Silver City Convention Center next to Ace Hardware and just after Tractor Supply Co.

This of course meant a shower and a change of clothes and, in honor of the occasion, I decided not to wear my multi-purpose long corduroy coat (bathrobe, overcoat, indoor house coat etc. etc.) but to dig out the long off-white duster I bought, again from Marketplace, a month or so ago and had worn only once.  This became an object of much desire at one of the booths at the show, where a woman showing hand-dyed and painted clothing went into rhapsodies of delight at what she saw as acres of blank canvas awaiting transformation at her hand. We had a good laugh and I moved smartly on to the next booth, where I splashed out handsomely on two angora penguin finger puppets at a dollar each for Star Child.

So no 3:00 am visitors on the full moon but a definite break from my usual staying-home-by-myself-and-piddling-around existence. Since all women in Silver except me knit or sew or weave or dye or spin or quilt or make rag rugs there were several people there I knew and there was much animated conversion and promises to get together soon. I turned into a Sagittarius for a minute and greeted someone with "Wow! You look great. I didn't recognize you" and then tried to extricate myself by babbling about how long ago it must have been since I'd seen her and her hair was shorter then.

I did manage to leave with my off-white coat pristine, but the five turquoise buttons (cloth, not mineral or whatever the real things is) I got from Yada Yada Yarn will look fabulous once I sew them on, and I even said I'd go into the shop when I'd done it and not be a hermit for a day.

Oh, and I ordered a made-to-measure rag rug runner for the dining room, Silver being probably the only place in the U.S. where handmade things of beauty (honest) cost so little even I can afford such a seemingly extravagant gesture (wrong word, but I can't think of the right one).

Friday, November 15, 2013

Mercury Trine Saturn

Looking up how to do yarn overs and yarn round needle and yarn forwards and finishing rows and having too many stitches and pulling down and counting stitches while knitting and hoping this sweater is not going to be the result of Pluto sextiling Mars by the end of the year.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Mars in the Fifth... Virgo of course, combine it with Moon sextile Moon and you get me going back to knitting with the ladies after recusing myself for several months and trying again to make the most complicated item I've ever tackled - the first complicated item I've ever tackled, to be truthful, as usually all I do is knit a scarf in moss stitch or something and pull it down as soon as it's done because I don't like it.

It's an adult version of a jaw-droppingly beautiful (and intricate)  sweater/tunic one of the ladies made for Star Child. The last time I worked on it was many months ago when Saturn was trining Mars, and with much concentration and counting stitches and pulling down and using every scrap of patience I was capable of I managed to get the sleeves done. Then I took it back to knitting, made an attempt on the first row of the back  (the hem consists of triangular lacy points), couldn't concentrate as the other ladies seemed not to want to sit in silence while working on their own projects  and decided I wouldn't go to knitting any more.

But Mars in Virgo and the Moon came to the rescue and I went back to knitting and sat with my tongue poking out of the corner of my mouth and managed to begin on the triangular pointed hem of the back of the tunic. As soon as I got home I had to pull it all down and start again as I had too many stitches but never mind, it was a start.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Sun Sextile Jupiter

So now that old age is finally showing up in ways other than the lines on my face and the grey in my hair and my flabby underarms I'm in physical therapy for whatever it is I've done to my leg that makes my right thigh hurt when I put pressure on it by going upstairs.

The stronger pain killers help for walking and sometimes I even forget it - whatever it is - has happened, but the minute I go up a level - and there are plenty of different levels around this house - I'm reminded.

Anyway, after my two beginning appointments I was allowed into the gym like a big person today and had a go at the stationary bike and then a very weird machine - arc? - that supposedly is like cross country skiing. Leg lifts, hip extensions, these stretches, those stretches, another go at the piece of rubber that I put my feet into one by one while it's tied to something solid and I swing my legs about, and none of it hurts.

I'm still convinced it's from when Good Girl bit me soon after Pretty Boy George arrived, as I think that even I, in my advanced state of walking around oblivious to anything that doesn't involve myself directly, would have noticed if I'd suddenly injured myself in some way, but whatever it is it's been around now for three and a half going on four months.

Here endeth this extremely boring post.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Venus Square Neptune

So here we are again with everyonceinawhileastrology, wondering when we shall finally admit to ourselves that we are far too lazy and also too disinterested to post on here, and if we changed the name of the blog to thisoldhouse we would have a lot more to write about.

That said, this post title had us (body and soul, that is) wandering around Ace Hardware for an hour or so this morning, first in the garden department for the hour and then a quick waltz around the aisles for a heat lamp and bulb for the well house and some acrylic paints so I can change the color of the handmade rug I've been given so it will fit in with the rest of the house.

Then, as there's a square between Saturn and Neptune in my natal chart, I spent the rest of the day planting the things I'd bought in the garden department and then doing yard work for the rest of the day. Not a loved one in sight and the only soft light came from the heat lamp I bought ha ha.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Sun, Saturn and Ketu

Or is it Rahu? I can never remember - whatever its name it's the one we're supposed to follow if we want to create the most fulfilling life for ourselves - something like that, anyway.

Take me, for example, with a North Node in Cancer in the third, with my signs all over the kitchen saying "Sandwich Bar" and "Self Service Only" and "Kitchen Closed" and my icebox that usually has a bottle of beer and two eggs and a shriveled lemon in it and my refusal to play any part at all in community life except play tennis with one person and UpWords with another.

That's the way to do it, especially if Michael Lutin's directive "Follow your north node and everything will come to you" made such an impression on you when you first heard it you wrote it down on an index card and stuck it next to your computer keyboard.

So - Sunday's eclipse in Scorpio (secrets) in the sixth (service) brought me confirmation that not only would I not be going to Belize (not a surprise, at this point) but that I needn't have bothered signing up for the new credit card that gives me priority boarding and my first checked bag free because I won't be going to Cambridge either - the news coming not from the horse's mouth, as I might once have expected, but from a closely related source in the stable yard.

But I digress. Here we all are, all in the same star ship, all at the same time, all having been given the chance for transformation IF we're willing to work like dogs to make it happen.

Whether cutting a piece of white foam core to cover the eyesore of a gaping hole where a kitchen drawer used to be that was once covered with a too-heavy piece of wood that fell off three years ago and push-pinning said foam core into place before embellishing it with fluorescent pink and green Avery label dots counts as hard work I leave to you, dear reader, to determine. In my opinion, however, it's a yes.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Venus Trine Venus

So when Mars squared Uranus  last Friday I got a call from a summer-time friend here to say she was leaving for Florida, where she and her husband spend winters, and was I interested in a big box of hens and chicks that she'd dug up as they wouldn't make it through the winter outside.

(This seemed like answered prayers as house guest and I had not been able to make it to the cactus ranch in ToC, but when I asked if he wanted any he said he didn't think his Home Owners Association would allow it. I let it pass.)

Along with the Hs and Cs was a great mound of Burro's Tail and a couple of small cacti, which house guest did take, and finally, yesterday, I spent a happy three hours potting up the bounty - photograph to follow just as soon as I figure out how to post ha ha. Okay, so I KNOW how to post. I wish I were using another template so photos would look better. Sigh.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Solar Eclipse in Scorpio in Six

Wasn't expecting much from this as it made no aspect to anything in my chart, and that's exactly what I got - except I had a enquiry about a possible month long stay at Little Walnut B&B in December, operative word possible. No response to my response, but still.