Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Mercury in the Fourth

 So this is a time to be thinking about the various ideas I've encountered lately, the most striking of which is finding out the carport I want installed will cost about $3,500 and arrive in six months time. 

I'm now wondering why I have *workmen* friends coming today to clear the ground where the carport will go. Much to think about. 

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Sun sextile Neptune Yesterday

Once-a-week-astrology here: (Pluto trine Ascendant might have something to do with that.)

Tennis, terrible, Walmart for $$$$ to pay the Handyman Extraordinaire I was expecting to see when I got back,  no show,  rest of day in bed watching Line of Duty Season One. In the middle of Season Three now. Unfortunately watched Season Five first on Sunday Night. Intense. 

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Mercury in the Third

As observant readers may well have noticed, my interest in astrology is waning somewhat, but when I got home for the third time yesterday I went straight to astrodient and was somewhat reassured by their description of the current aspects for me - "A Frantic Pace."

Truly, it's not often I leave this house three times in one day once I'm home after the first expedition. It's only four miles from town, but that's eight there and back before I do whatever I'm in town for, and that seems for me to be enough for any 24-hour period, what with climate change and carbon footprint and all that. 

But, when you go to play tennis and then to Walmart, and then back to the house midday to regroup and gather up the UpWords game to take back to town to Javalina to play with a friend before going to Toad to meet another friend (already more activity than I usually have in a week), but go back to town WITHOUT the UpWords game, immediate changes are called for. 

Instead of going to Javalina, I brought said fellow-player back to the house, where we had a somewhat frantic game with me texting the person I was due to meet at three and bumping the time forward half an hour or so several times. Game over, I won, fellow-player taken home and early dinner companion met at Toad at 4:15. No complaints from her. 

Back to the house time #3 at about six and straight to astrodienst. Praise the Lord that for me today the Sun is directly opposing the MC, supposedly a great day to stick around the house and clean up a bit. So far so good.

Monday, July 12, 2021

And tomorrow.....

 ...take a break! Yes! Yes! I am SO ready for a break and I don't know and don't care if Venus in the Fifth has come along at just the right time - what am I saying? Venus in the Fifth has come along at exactly the right time, with my house rental over in a week and 14B being a livable space and the rain and the not-having-to-turn-the-fan-on and all the plants that are so happy and Eddie taking that great big pile of trash off to the dump - it's absolutely time for T Venus in the Fifth. 

But not till tomorrow. 

Venus opposed to the Moon

This is definitely valid, as I was so pleased that #5 changed out the water softener that's been the bane of my existence since about 2003 for a whole house filter, fixed a few little things around here that needed fixing AND hauled away a huge amount of trash that I've been trying to get to the dump for months that I kept thinking I wanted to throw my arms around him and hug him, which was obviously something he wasn't expecting and gave me no opportunity to do.  Good thing.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Closer and Closer

Transiting north node to natal Uranus, that is. I think the theory is that the less upsetting this transit is, the more you are on the right path and need to keep on going.  

Right now I have Wimbledon on and muted, watching all the commercials with Federer. The temptation is to go and find his chart and see what's going on in his life right now, which would be a really good way of avoiding opening Final Draft and working on something for next Tuesday. 

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Transiting North Node conjunct Natal Uranus...

 ....which in my case is in the first house. Not there exactly yet - Saturday, I think - but as it's the nodes I can give myself a couple of days (weeks) here and there. 

So - the old Big Sunny Space has become inhabitable, with things vaguely where I'd like them to be and no (visible) boxes on the floor to weave around. Well,  one. The closet has a door, as does the bathroom, my counter space is beautiful, the MacBook Air sits on top of four thick books so the screen is at my eye level and I have a keyboard and mouse that I'm almost used to. I do keep hitting the n instead of the space bar but not as often as when I first got it. 

There's a list of friends to write notes to, that I keep overlooking, and I have to call the propane company and find out about this  winter saving price thing, but there's nothing nagging at me day and night. 

Time to discuss Lemon Sky now in Playwrights' Forum. There's a sentence I haven't written before. 

Monday, July 5, 2021

Nothing But the Moon

 HAHAHAHAHA. There's days when I go to astrodienst and click on my personal horoscope page and the only thing it shows me is that the Moon is doing something all over my chart that day and it's  a "weak, transient effect" and I've clicked on  to "Tomorrow" the nano-second after my brain registers "weak". 

I mean the Moon. I was about to write "What can it possibly do in a given two hours?" and then I thought, oh, yeah, well, the Moon, it's really not about what the Moon's doing in my chart that day, difficult to believe though it is, it's about <gasp> other people whose natal Moon is being assaulted by Uranus or Neptune or Pluto or by god forbid any two of them and may-it-never-happen-to-me all three and whatever terrible and lacerating effects it is having on said people causing them to do god only knows what and really all I can hope for is to stay out of their way.

<brief check of ephemeris to see when Saturn comes to my moon, safe for this year>

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Sun conjunct North Node... Cancer in the Third, so of course I stayed home all day, did lots of planting and watering and stamping in even more wildflower seeds, and so help me today was the day I wrote to my lockdown pen pal friend, answering her letter dated May 28th. Knowing for weeks it was something I wanted/had to do. Had no idea of today's transit till I just checked. Astrodienst don't do nodes.

A nice surprise to discover that piddling around today at home is exactly what I'm  supposed to be doing.  And transiting North Node is just about conjunct natal Uranus in the First. The next few days. 


Venus conjunct Pluto

OK, I knew I wasn't going to feel insecure about my loved one and suddenly become excessively jealous or possessive, and I didn't hold out too much of a chance I was going to be completely fascinated and infatuated with a new lover when I went to a friend's house for coffee and scones and homemade apricot jam for a pre-Fourth mini celebration, but I did find it amusing when after chatting animatedly with one of those friends' neighbours for about thirty minutes I asked her what she had done in her working life and she told me she was a psychiatrist. 

Friday, July 2, 2021

Sun trine Mars

 Aha! First time since it began to rain I managed to get a tiny bit of *gardening* in. Added some compost to a small patch and put down some wildflower seeds from the new bags I just ordered, the ones put down six weeks ago having mostly disappeared. A few little green things poking up here and there. 

What I really want to say is I under-estimated the Amazon drop-off point here in a post a few days ago (code for the last post).  My stupid Body Fat Scale that you need to watch a video to use was accepted unwrapped without a murmur, and four days later I have yet to order different ones. Scales, that is. 

For some reason I feel the need to write this down. There are three things I tell myself I would like to do every day.

Do 300 steps on my Stair-Step every day.

Write something on here.

Do ONE Fluencia Spanish lesson a day.

The 300 steps I do because they are the only way I can stave off the effects of PAD and continue to play tennis.

Write something on here? Easy to find the answer to that.

Spanish? Sometimes I get up to five days in a row and then I stop for a week or so. 

So that's what good telling myself I'd like to do something does.