Thursday, April 29, 2021

Venus square Moon

 Hey this is good - Venus around and I'm not sitting here eating Talenti Sea Salt Caramel Gelati out of the good-as-TupperWare transparent container it comes in.  

SO behind. Just like the Red (or White) Queen running as fast as she can to stay in place. 

Did go and have lunch with a friend I haven't seen for ages. That counts. 

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Full Moon in the Sixth

I was all set to use this by focusing on the mundane and sorting out the mess that's my new living space and instead polished off all the granola I'd bought for peeps that they didn't eat.  

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Chiron sextile Uranus

So this has been in effect from June of last year, when I was living in the whole house by myself and the idea of renting The Other Side first came into my head, to perfecting right now with real live peeps in the other side and me in the now non-existent Big Sunny Space, and goes through to March of next year when I'll - well I have no idea what I'll do next March but I guess I'll find out.

Right now, with the microwave on the floor along with many other assorted objects destined to be Kondoed as soon as possible, I'm so exhausted I've done barely anything for yesterday and today, but the thought of having a desk again and everything I need in a 400 square foot space where SURELY I'll be able to know where everything is is so exhilarating I can hardly believe my good fortune. I now know first-hand why people loved staying here.

Anyway, this aspect is supposed to help me approach new ideas in a much more open and unbiased way, and I had just enough energy left to laugh when I read the following on good ole astrodienst.

" Take a look round your flat, cellar or loft: what do you really need, and what is just lying around? This is the ideal time for a big clean out!"

There is a very good chance I shall post again tomorrow, when the peeps will be gone and I can wander around The Other Side and pick up a few things I forgot to bring over here. 

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Mars sextile Uranus...

...or one day to go. 

No Internet for the past 48 hours due to plugging the phone line into the phone line slot instead of the DSL slot on the modem but the nice men from Centurylink (no kidding) fixed it in no time this morning, and I won't even mention the 8 or 9 texts Centurylink sent to me with links to the Internet for help that I couldn't link to because I HAD no Internet and THAT'S why they were coming. 

Still tons to do. Almost done cleaning and it's lots of putting back now, but if I get up at seven, don't play tennis and just keep going it'll be OK. Oven Cleaner is on the shopping list. 

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Venus square Midheaven


Yup, that's just about right. Dutch Oven Cookout in Glenwood, got there early, wandering around, stop to talk to one of the cook teams who's selling hand-carved from old fence posts wooden ducks - are they blinds? The ones that are painted might be, but these were wood-color. 

This has been sitting here since the 10th. I suppose I should be embarrassed.  What I missed, as I was given my beautiful duck, was that I also had Jupiter squaring the Ascendant, so of COURSE people are going to give me things. 

Yet another uninformative post. (Vendor at Glenwood GAVE me one of his hand-carved ducks.)

Welcome to the Crazy House

Had great hopes of posting the first second time around airbnb photo here - the bedroom.

No luck though. Thought I had Google Photos down haha, but alas, no. 


So that was written way after the 3:10 break time, but no matter. 

Countdown is on to Friday, which thank God I looked at a calendar about and realized WAS the 23rd  and not the Saturday I'd been thinking it was.


3:10 pm and it's break time. Four solid hours of painting, wiping down, up and down ladders, moving, cleaning and removing with a razor blade visible strips of blue painters'  tape that have been there for 18 years from a transom in a door between the bathroom and the bit where the washer/dryer are. Definitely break time.

House in absolute and complete chaos as usual.

Questions rearing their heads as Friday approaches:

Leave birthday cards on the mantlepiece so guests feel obligated to give me a present haha? 


Saturday, April 17, 2021

Mental Work

That's me, mental work today with Mars sextile Mercury, and the discerning reader (sorry) might notice the last post here was about ten days ago. 

And that was as far as Mars sextile Mercury got me. Even passed up Playwriting Technique to have a day with nowhere to be at any given time. 

Made great inroads into moving in to old airbnb room again. I guess the Mars took over the Mercury. 

This is an excellent time for all kinds of mental work, especially if you have to plan a future course of action with decisiveness and firmness. You will be in a positive mood and have great confidence in your position, which will enable you to make a positive impression and probably convince people of your point of view. This influence also favors working with others in a cooperative planning venture. You can make plans together or hash out differences of opinion in such a way that you make your point without anyone else feeling threatened. This is a good time for traveling in connection with a project you are involved with. Because your energy level is high, you are restless to get things done. During this couple of days you will feel confident of yourself, your ideas and the effect you make when talking with people.

The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Mars sextile Mercury,  , exact at 19:22

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Mars square Jupiter AND...

...Venus sextile the Moon: 

Went to play tennis and it was the now usual Monday - seven of us. Could only play till ten as wanted to be back at house to *prepare* for phone interview as point person for Literacy Link and Give Grandly, big town-wide charity giving day or whatever it is coming up in May.

Lasted about 20 minutes at tennis as got annoyed with people trying to work out game by game rotation, came back to house, new floor being installed in tiny laundry room, got interviewed, said nothing I'd been planning to but got it done, went to Bank of Walmart for $$$ and a big shop, back to house, neighbour comes over to offer me four boxes of scraps of fabric, gratefully accepted. 

As for future-oriented (Jupiter), decided neighbour and I and mutual friends will do our very own yard sale at his house on the corner the weekend after next. And the weekend after THAT will be adventure/experimentation time with first guests at Other Side of Big Sunny Space.  Woo Hoo. 

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Venus conjunct Sun

 Nice aspect to have on Easter Sunday.  Spent the whole day alone, didn't leave the *property*, watered and whacked down dead stuff from winter and just threw it on the ground instead of gathering it up. Sunny and warm and no wind and seems like a lot more dead stuff than last year, but maybe that's because the *garden* is finally growing. Or something. 

Did exactly as I wanted for the whole day, except now I have to sit and try to decipher notes I made in preparation for my interview tomorrow as point person for Literacy Link Leamos extolling the virtues of the organization for the local radio station. This all in preparation for Give Grandly Day on May 8 when residents of Silver are asked to contribute to their favorite charities.

Astrology comes through again while I stare at my page of scribbles, statistics, figures, names of people and quantities of books given away over the years and try to sort it out so I can sound like an upstanding member of society telling people why they should give money to Literacy Link. Interview tomorrow, Pluto squares Mercury for the first of five times the day after, Tuesday. 

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Mars sextile Sun

Vitality? I should be so lucky. I can barely remember when I last had any, and that isn't too much of an untruth.  All I've been doing so far today is staring at a computer screen, and I wouldn't say I've been doing that with vigor and self-confidence.  

Tons to do, of course, none of it very inviting except gardening and that involves hard work, mixing steer manure with garden soil and adding it to all *cultivated* soil. Other than that, Walmart and the dump, and of course cleaning out under the sink and the *pantry*, pretending to list stuff for sale, pretending to type in Soldiering On, pretending to set up Apple TV now that I've got the power cord except it isn't long enough unless I change the whole TV configuration, refilling daily pill boxes because they're all empty, sewing and on and on and on. 

Maybe if my eyes weren't consistently runny and itchy and smarting I would feel different. In that case, roll on June haha.

Friday, April 2, 2021

Knowledge Is Power... what astrodienst calls the Pluto square Mercury transit, one that I'm smack in the middle of right now. Have no idea what I'm supposed to have knowledge of, but, undaunted,  I'm moving back into BSS (Big Sunny Space) in preparation of The Great Adventure/Experiment  renting The Other Side of Big Sunny Space and living in the original sunny space. 

And have just seen the blinking light from three o'clock which was the R&R Express man asking me to give him a call back. No answer when I just did. Friday night. 

How nice will that be when it happens.