Sunday, January 24, 2021

Jupiter opposed to Pluto & Venus square Sun...

 ... while Mars squares Pluto all on the same day.

Tennis in the am, not very good and not that much fun, then home to go straight to bed and read until about 9:00pm (This was Friday 1/22).

As I always associate Mars and Pluto with action I thought this was hilarious until I realized I was reading the 50 cent Ruth Rendell I got from the thrift shop on Thursday. 

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Neptune opposed to Jupiter Later in the Day

 Well I've only been drinking a little bit more usual haha and that's been about it. I have had the idea of videoing myself doing monologs - minilogs haha again - but this has not progressed further than thinking about cancelling Broadway HD and subscribing to Vimeo, thus not spending any more money. There's also a box with a ring light in it somewhere in the museum/freezer that used to be my new bedroom until the radiator died.  Absolutely definitely not feeling as though nothing can defeat me. 

Tremendously lucky? Nope. Taking foolish risks? Don't think so. Compassion for others? Don't see any others so N/A. Definitely no involvement with any mystical sects or taking financial risks, unless you consider buying a radiator one. 

So a great big transit happening now and not too much I can see manifesting, until this afternoon, of course, when my afternoon mail included a hand-addressed envelope. It's not something you see every day, a hand-addressed envelope, but my keen sense of observation tells me it's going to become more and more common as I got one a couple of weeks or months ago - who can tell the difference any more haha - and a long-lost friend and I are exchanging hand-written letters back and forth. In envelopes. In Snail Mail. So it's happening.

Anyway, that was the case till this afternoon, when I opened the hand-addressed envelope and found a brochure entitled "What is the kingdom of God" accompanying a fake hand-written letter on attractive fall season stationary (lots of brown leaves)  telling me about a unique (?) Bible message. I haven't read it yet but I'm taking it as a sign to continue to believe. 

(I do know a hundred times over one cannot do one's own chart. And, True Confession time, as  I am no longer quite as fascinated by astrology as I once was, there are certain tasks I no longer carry out and glossing over what they are in case I'm considered a fanatic, I had thought this aspect was closer to perfection than it is. Another two weeks to go and - ooh - research - it was in effect for all of last year. Must have missed it.)

Jupiter opposed to Pluto, Neptune opposed to Jupiter.... almost the same time (now) and Pluto coming to the midheaven and trining the ascendant in two days time, not forgetting Mars squaring Pluto tomorrow:

Result: close to paralysis, although I did buy 100 promising (i.e. Motley Fool said they might be worth it) pot stocks yesterday, and I might even be going to take a shower and put the laundry away. One can only hope. 

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Mercury trine Uranus on the day

 Well I DID think of a new and different way to solve an old problem but it would cost so much money and not be totally effective so I didn't use it.

Old (unfortunately) problem: No heat in my big bedroom.

New solution: Turn on little wall heater we once thought would be enough for that room and use little oil-filled radiator as well. Warmed it up a bit during the day but wouldn't have been enough at night. 

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Mars sextile Saturn

 I'll take this one any day, whether I needed shaking out of the doldrums or not. Last night I was sure I was going to get up this morning, take (more) bags of stuff to PAWS and then go to Albertson's for goat cheese and fat-free half and half, neither item currently available at my local grocery, Walmart. (I know, I know, I shouldn't, but when you don't like getting in and out of a car ten times to do errands - i.e. you lived in New York for a long time and did your errands on foot - Walmart here is great. Shameless. Anyway, I digress.

In the middle of the afternoon, still not dressed, I was in the kitchen trying to frame a photo given to me recently by a friend, measuring card stock and slicing slivers off to make a matte - well, trying to make a hole in a piece of cardboard, anyway. Off went the bell in my head and I remembered something I'd seen days ago on astrodienst about Mars soon coming to smile at Saturn for me, to misquote Susan Miller, and all morning I'd been running around (inside) and switching stuff and replacing this with that and taking that away and putting this that there. 

My moving into this house by myself has run into a bit of a hitch, you could say, or to be more accurate you could say it's gone backwards because for the past month there's been no heat in what used to be the airbnb room and is now my bedroom, meaning I am currently sleeping in what used to be my bedroom when I did airbnb but turned into a holding space for all the things I'd like to get rid of or sell now that I don't do airbnb but have taken not one step towards doing so - if you get my drift, it's not been what you could call a productive month. 

The worst was it got progressively worse, because instead of having what used to be my bedroom to put stuff in that I didn't want to deal with at the moment, I had to use the freezer-like old airbnb room, its floor already strewn with the *accoutrements* of replacing a radiator, now turning into a giant storage place....

Great to be jolted out of that today, thanks to Mr. Action and Mr. Responsibility shaking hands haha, and one step I DID take today was to delist the toaster oven I've had for sale in Grant County Goodies for a month for $25 that nobody wanted to buy, and list it again for $25, shades of doing the same thing and expecting a different result...

New Philosophy for Me and Others Similarly Afflicted: if you are not doing the things that you think you would like to do or have to do there's absolutely no reason to torture yourself. You're just not ready to do them yet.


And on another note entirely, I'm horror-struck at the thought Trump can pardon all his supporters (as some of them are begging him to) before he leaves office - wave the magic wand and pardon every single one of them. 

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Solstice and Venus trine Pluto

Yet another Unposted Draft:

So BEFORE I went to tennis I made cheese straws, which I'd *intended* to make on Sunday, but got only as far as the dough. No need to overdo anything haha. Fellow tennis player came to pick me up and bring me back afterwards, as Zippy is down in Deming having his innards examined. Anybody dozing off yet?

Afternoon spent as usual, staring at assortment of Christmas and New Year cards and family photos I'm going to scan one day and send to the pictured people, 

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Mercury trine Uranus

Right now I can barely keep my eyes open so I'm looking forward to tomorrow when there'll be a very stimulating influence that will make me feel more alive and awake mentally than at any other time.

Actually I felt pretty alive and awake mentally this morning when I was looking for my winter silk undies to wear for tennis and they were nowhere to be found: not in either closet, not on the bed in what was my bedroom for six months till four weeks ago when a cat and mouse with the propane company turned it into a freezer, not hanging on the back of any door, not on a hook by the back door, not with the coats in the tiny room off the kitchen - nowhere, sending me into an absolutely foul mood that lasted till I'd been playing for an hour.

That's when the lightbulb went off - still in the dryer - and there they were when I got back to the house, wiped out from two and a half hours of tennis - me, not the winter silks. 

Now I have to think of some problem I've been unable to solve with tried and true solutions for tomorrow. New ideas will come more rapidly than usual. One's come already. Call a plumber. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Only Four Days Late

 Well this is interesting. All set to get on here and make some kind of post for the day and I see a draft with the heading "Only Four Days Late", which when opened had absolutely nothing in it. Obviously I was full of good intentions but had nothing to show for them on January 8th, and here I am four days after THAT managing to log on, determined to make a two-line post at least and get back into the habit of writing every day.

Somewhere I once read it takes 44 days (I made that number up, but it's something like that, unless that's the number of muscles you have to move to smile and a lot more to frown, that Reader's Digest thing)  - 44 days to establish a new habit, and at the rate I'm going with posting on here every day it'll be 2025 or so before I get used to it, but let's not be negative. 

Mercury is opposing Pluto for me right now - I mean right now, four hours to go - and while I didn't have any violent arguments or subversive, smoldering conflicts with anyone today I did go so far as to pick up my One Hundred Things You Can Do Without a Man book and look again at How to Change a Washer. 

It's probably two weeks since I looked at it first, read "First turn the water off to the house" and immediately decided not to do it and closed the book. I know how to turn the water off to the house. It's about the only thing I do know about the workings of the well that supplies water to the house but it and the phone number of the plumber is more than enough. 

The kitchen tap has been dripping away ever since (and had been for at least a month before) and while I was deciding I didn't really need to go to Walmart and could stay home for the day and not get dressed there I was on page 39 of One Hundred Things and then I was back in the kitchen with the water supply to the house turned off.

That was about as far as it went as I wasn't sure which bit of the faucet I was supposed to be trying to loosen and I have very little strength in my hands anyway, but I went back up to the well house and turned the water on again, texted a friend, got the answer except it requires TWO pairs of pliers and I'm not sure I can manage that, but I'll give it a go again tomorrow, handy person that I am.

I also managed to get a bag of salt pellets into the water softener, a laborious process involving opening a 40 pound bag of salt and doling it out into plastic grocery bags so each one weighs only about 12 pounds and taking each bag individually up the hill to the well house and dumping it in the softener...

These are accomplishments to be celebrated. 

Monday, January 4, 2021

Mercury to the Midheaven

 Apart from deciding it was too cold to play tennis in the morning, I did finally get voicemail set up on the phone I've had since June.

Pretty major, actually. 

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Forget about Me, checking on Trump

It gives me great pleasure to tell anyone reading this that on January 6, 2021, the previous president will have a trine from Pluto to the Midheaven, an aspect about as powerful as it can get. 

It's the day the House convenes to validate the election results, a normally pro forma affair which this year, thanks to 2021's Republican tribute to the Fifth of November, 1605, promises to be, er, contentious. No gunpowder, although with that lot you never know, definitely Treason and Plot.

Here's a bit of advice for him from astrodienst, my favorite astrology site that I haven't yet been able to figure out how to link to, pardon my syntax. 

"However, you should be aware that you are acting as an agent of forces that transcend your own individuality, and that everything you do must be for the common good, or it will be to no avail."

Doesn't that just make your heart sing?