Friday, April 17, 2020

Pluto to the Midheaven Really Exact

I may have mentioned I'm a Twelfth House Sun with Mercury and Venus there as well and a South Node in Capricorn in the Ninth. There again I might not have, so to make this anecdote make sense for any astrologers who might be reading it I have to make sure that's understood.

OK, I take a drawing class last semester and by a twist of fate the drawings me and my fellow students produced are to be organized into an exhibition at the local University Museum and we are to stand by our drawings at the opening and do whatever artists do at openings. I wouldn't know. It's a first for me.

The date chosen for the opening of the exhibition (which is to hang for two months) is one day off the day Pluto is exactly on my Midheaven. Pretty good, I think, for something that has had 75 years to play itself out.

Along comes Covid-19. Exhibition cancelled.

Pluto to the Midheaven continued: I am a dilettante playwright and to go along with my South Node in Capricorn I maintain a membership in the Dramatists Guild although the last time I had a play produced was in 2011. A few weeks ago, the Guild sent out a challenge for any member wishing to participate to write a two-character play about any subject of our choosing in 150 words. The deadline was the next day.

A pretty low bar. I decided I could do it, did it and sent it in before the deadline. Me and about 650 other people managed to stick to the given conventions. The Guild then organized, in alphabetical order by playwright, a week of readings of the plays, 60 or 70 a night, and sent the individual playwrights an invitation to a zoom meeting for the night his or her play was to be read, each program beginning at 7:30 pm.

The art class I signed up for this semester - figure drawing - is now online (don't ask) and on the night my play was to be read - when Pluto was exactly on my midheaven,  I joined in the drawing class zoom meeting, asking to be excused at 7:15 pm, left the meeting and went over to the Guild zoom site to listen to my play.

I live now in New Mexico. The Guild, as I know, is based in New York. New York is two hours ahead of New Mexico. The meeting was over when I went to join it -  a perfect astrological manifestation of a Twelfth House Sun with transiting Pluto on the midheaven.  Beat it if you can.

I do get four more goes though.

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