Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Pluto to the Midheaven l

My big day tomorrow this - the real reason I've been looking forward to 2020 ever since I realized what was going to happen in it. Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars - all whizzing around my 24 Capricorn 59 Midheaven with a couple coming back for extended visits.

To an Aries Twelfth House with a South Node in Capricorn in the 9th it was - was - was - well I didn't think I was going to get famous or anything after living in total obscurity for 75 years (actually I did but no one reads this anyway) but I knew enough about astrology to know SOMETHING was going to happen and it had to do with me being in the public eye. 

Living where I do, on a dead end off a dead end four miles from a small town that time forgot down in the unheralded corner of a southwestern state (don't ask), it's been an intriguing position to imagine myself in.

I could just go to Walmart and march around the parking lot with a sign saying "Anyone But Trump" and that would do it but I'm far too lazy (cowardly, actually, but I think lazy sounds better).

And of course the icing on the cake is the solitary confinement self-isolation I've been under for the past 30 days, very fitting for the Twelfth House but not so great when the Midheaven is involved.

And yet - something is a-stirring. I'm on here again, for a start, and I'm going to leave it right there for now. The Perils-of-Pauline part comes tomorrow when 75 years and six days of me living on Earth shows me what I've done.

P.S. I get four more chances.

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