Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Jupiter Square Mercury

So the (failing) New York Times lets me refer to Two Scoops (looking more and more like Three Scoops) as a liar but not as a liar and a coward. Maybe by the time this aspect returns for me when Jupiter goes retrograde the people approving comments will have changed their minds.

The coward comment, of course, was in reference to the day after the never-to-be-forgotten *musings* about ingesting bleach to cure COVID-19, when Two Scoops lumbered off the podium without taking questions from the press, if jabbing his finger at reporters and calling them losers can ever be considered taking questions.

But Here Lie Dragons, or whatever it was the old treasure-hunting maps used to say. All very well to spend last Thursday night giggling helplessly over IQ45's *intelligence*, but I've spent at least two weeks trying to figure out how to post a comment directly to the Times instead of simply replying to a comment already made by someone else.

Neither google nor the Times' own Help pages were any help, and direct questions to Times Support got no response (can't imagine why). Such a simple query - How do I make a comment to the New York Times? - and nowhere could I find the answer. How to reply to a comment already made - piece o'cake. Hit Reply, and there's the little box to write your reply, but how to make a comment - nothing.

(I'll gloss over the amount of time it took for me to figure out how to change my name from Pamela R to preevz, and just mention it had something to do with clicking on the Edit button next to Pamela R.)

Finally, in desperation, it dawned on me that the little box at the top of Comments that said Share Your Thoughts might have something to do with it. It was always there, whenever you clicked on Comments to see what other readers had said, but I'd always ignored it. I mean - Share Your Thoughts - what kind of obtuse way is THAT to say Make a Comment? Frigging arugula eaters.

I think the old 'people who live in glass houses...' is pertinent here, at least for people as self-aware and evolved as I am. (This is where you have to write <sarcasm> for all the people who aren't. I think I can get away with blaming it on Scorpio on the Descendant.) 

And let's face it, there's no denying it and no running away from it - he's president and I'm not.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Robert Hand Thinks This is Crazy

What I attempt to do in this blog, that is. I must have read it in an interview with him on probably The Mountain Astrologer, in the days that I used to subscribe to that. One day I'll see if I can search it out.

Of course it seems to me to be a perfectly logical way to go. You can read all the cookbooks you like about how to make macaroni and cheese but until you light the oven and get the mixing bowl out (talk about dating yourself) and stick everything in there and mix it all up you really have no idea.

To me it's the same with astrology. You can read all the astrology cookbooks you like about what might happen when Saturn comes to your Sun but until it happens you really have no idea.

In my case, with a Twelfth House Aries Sun, I was working as a proofreader for a new ad agency which had absolutely nothing to proof and I spent about three weeks completely alone in a huge room with nothing whatsoever to do. Fun.

OK, enough of the My Approach to Astrology. Off to the landfill.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Jupiter square Mercury

Have to be careful with this one.

Finding myself getting quite strident whenever I talk to someone about the disgrace for a human being currently holding televised campaign rallies for a couple of hours a day in guise of informative briefings on COVID-19.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Venus conjunct Sun

Blimey, what a relief this was.

Played around with my neglected houseplants in the morning and then a clandestine trip in the afternoon to meet friends who REALLY live in the country - so much better than bashing myself over the head for two days because I can't draw like Picasso while I was attempting a self-portrait for my online life drawing class.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Pluto to the Midheaven Really Exact

I may have mentioned I'm a Twelfth House Sun with Mercury and Venus there as well and a South Node in Capricorn in the Ninth. There again I might not have, so to make this anecdote make sense for any astrologers who might be reading it I have to make sure that's understood.

OK, I take a drawing class last semester and by a twist of fate the drawings me and my fellow students produced are to be organized into an exhibition at the local University Museum and we are to stand by our drawings at the opening and do whatever artists do at openings. I wouldn't know. It's a first for me.

The date chosen for the opening of the exhibition (which is to hang for two months) is one day off the day Pluto is exactly on my Midheaven. Pretty good, I think, for something that has had 75 years to play itself out.

Along comes Covid-19. Exhibition cancelled.

Pluto to the Midheaven continued: I am a dilettante playwright and to go along with my South Node in Capricorn I maintain a membership in the Dramatists Guild although the last time I had a play produced was in 2011. A few weeks ago, the Guild sent out a challenge for any member wishing to participate to write a two-character play about any subject of our choosing in 150 words. The deadline was the next day.

A pretty low bar. I decided I could do it, did it and sent it in before the deadline. Me and about 650 other people managed to stick to the given conventions. The Guild then organized, in alphabetical order by playwright, a week of readings of the plays, 60 or 70 a night, and sent the individual playwrights an invitation to a zoom meeting for the night his or her play was to be read, each program beginning at 7:30 pm.

The art class I signed up for this semester - figure drawing - is now online (don't ask) and on the night my play was to be read - when Pluto was exactly on my midheaven,  I joined in the drawing class zoom meeting, asking to be excused at 7:15 pm, left the meeting and went over to the Guild zoom site to listen to my play.

I live now in New Mexico. The Guild, as I know, is based in New York. New York is two hours ahead of New Mexico. The meeting was over when I went to join it -  a perfect astrological manifestation of a Twelfth House Sun with transiting Pluto on the midheaven.  Beat it if you can.

I do get four more goes though.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Pluto to the Midheaven Exact

Well, actually it's not - it's tomorrow early in the afternoon, so I suppose I should wait till then for the final report.

In the meantime, I had a very nice day watering the garden till I got fed up, trying to draw the self portrait that's my homework for my online Life Drawing class at NMWU, and generally *wasting*
away the rest of the day.

I have a feeling that the Universe is off by about twelve hours, but I'll wait till tomorrow to place my bet.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Pluto to the Midheaven l

My big day tomorrow this - the real reason I've been looking forward to 2020 ever since I realized what was going to happen in it. Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars - all whizzing around my 24 Capricorn 59 Midheaven with a couple coming back for extended visits.

To an Aries Twelfth House with a South Node in Capricorn in the 9th it was - was - was - well I didn't think I was going to get famous or anything after living in total obscurity for 75 years (actually I did but no one reads this anyway) but I knew enough about astrology to know SOMETHING was going to happen and it had to do with me being in the public eye. 

Living where I do, on a dead end off a dead end four miles from a small town that time forgot down in the unheralded corner of a southwestern state (don't ask), it's been an intriguing position to imagine myself in.

I could just go to Walmart and march around the parking lot with a sign saying "Anyone But Trump" and that would do it but I'm far too lazy (cowardly, actually, but I think lazy sounds better).

And of course the icing on the cake is the solitary confinement self-isolation I've been under for the past 30 days, very fitting for the Twelfth House but not so great when the Midheaven is involved.

And yet - something is a-stirring. I'm on here again, for a start, and I'm going to leave it right there for now. The Perils-of-Pauline part comes tomorrow when 75 years and six days of me living on Earth shows me what I've done.

P.S. I get four more chances.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Neptune Opposed to Jupiter

It's a good thing this peaked a week ago today as I was getting way too fond of a relaxation aid round about midday, a shandy or two about four in the afternoon and then maybe half a lorazepam to get me to sleep.

Stone cold sober for the past two days and enjoying the feeling.

Monday, April 6, 2020


First post I've managed on here in years and there's a typo. Proofreader, heal thyself. With Neptune opposed to Jupiter, though, exact today, please may I be excused?

Google Will be the Death of Me

Really should not write something like that at the moment, but I think by now I'm up to five accounts with them in an attempt to get back into this blog - the nearlyeveryday one.

I think this may have done it but not completely sure. Have copied the URL into stickies. Not eben attempting to get in to everydayastrology because there's nothing on that, and it *should* have all of the posts on here, assuming of course that when I hit "Update" it will take me back to where I started. Assuming.