Saturday, July 30, 2016

Venus in the Fifth

Take a break, says Astrodienst, as I put down The New Yorker for five minutes and go to see what I should be doing.

As my morning's activities consisted of washing and replacing the dishes used by the bnb-ers and planting the white Lady Banks and honeysuckle I bought yesterday before retiring for a little lie-down with whatever I can get my mitts on to read, I would say the directive is being followed to the letter.

Of course, don't tell anyone, today's sequence of events could be almost any day of almost any week, but it's good to know my sloth is for once officially sanctioned by all them balls of rock and ice whizzing around out there - well, one of them, at least, and the others don't seem to be putting up too much resistance. Lucky me.

Sun Conjunct Pluto

So just as I'm losing interest in astrology after 20 years - not losing it enough to NOT go to astrodienst every day to check out the transits but not having it fill major portions of my everyday  life as it did for years- I realize again what an astonishingly useful tool for living it is and am inspired enough to make a post on here.

So this morning I'm expecting something not to function and wondering what it will be when I go to log on usual to see what's happening in the rest of the world and get the "You are not connected to the Internet message".

My network doesn't show up in the list available, and instead of getting annoyed I realize my bnb guests must be online and their connection is knocking me out. Having met them yesterday, I'm pretty sure they won't take kindly to my knocking on the door and asking if I can reset the modem, so take my cup of coffee back to bed and start reading The Dukan Diet that I got for ten cents at one of the thrift shops on Wednesday. I digress by adding I then went straight to Albertson's and bought the eight pieces of fried chicken for $3.99 but I don't care.

So - at 10:28 I see bnb-er's car take off down the driveway and by the time I've reset the modem and told Network Diagnostics yes, it's fine, I always give you access to my keychain and you don't have to ask me every time etc. etc., I finally get online at about 10:45, with the Sun conjuncting Pluto at 10:57.  Haha I beat Pluto.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Saturn Opposed to Uranus Exact

So maybe it helps to put down on what has now replaced paper that you can't help behaving like a lazy useless big old good-for-nothing and are tempted to stay in bed all day rather than face what needs doing. Certainly worked for me, and if I could figure out how to get images on here without using Picasa I could post some pretty impressive Before-and-Afters, if I'd taken the Befores that is ha ha.

Anyway, as a result, I'm feeling pretty chipper today even if I have gone back to bed for a little while. My weekend airbnb-er cancelled so I've moved back into the big room and figure if I stare at the broken screen that needs replacing long enough I'll figure out how to do it. I mean, this IS being written by the woman who fixed the water pressure in the bnb bathroom all by herself last week, and who any day now is going to get out the drill and make the hole in the dresser in the bnb room so the wire for the toaster oven disappears from view. Any day now.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Saturn Opposed to Uranus

Well I suppose I thought that with transiting Saturn in the Seventh opposing natal Saturn in the First this was going to manifest in a big blow-up with someone or at least difficulties in some kind of one-on-one relationship <hysterical laughter>, and have been almost congratulating myself that neither of those things have happened.

(Please God let me not be writing too soon, as this is exact tomorrow and then again at the end of September.)

Slowly slowly slowly it dawns that what's actually going on is that that Uranus in the First, presumably one of the sources of that wonderful creativity other people seem to recognize in me and often congratulate me for, is under siege from boring old Saturn and all the *structures* in my life that very definitely demand attention at the moment, with the result that I go off in the morning and run around the tennis course for the lesson and then come back here and retire to bed for the rest of the day rather than tackle any of the *things* that need doing.

"Scrape all this peeling paint off me", screams the well house, "but make sure to put a cloth of some kind down on the ground first so you can pick the fragments up easily, and then when you've done that get the roller and the long pole and the paint you bought last month and for chrissake paint me so I don't look as though I've been abandoned for years.

"Then when you've finished with that, get the hose and clean off the water trough thing that has unused Earth Boxes in it in front of the well house and spray it green and then repaint the white wooden steps leading up to the door and everything will look spic and span and fresh and cared-for and well-maintained and look as though you have some pride in the place where you live and you will feel fabulous."

"Yeah, what about me?" says the saltillo tile floor in the living room that still has the paint remover smear on it from a year ago when I was dragging the huge wooden-framed mirror that came out from New York that I was trying to strip from the front porch to the back patio when it was only half done for reasons I can no longer remember...

Let's not even go near the unanswered emails and the unopened mail and the dust on the black shelves and the scanner that's been in the box it was delivered in probably three months ago and the "play" that's been in the works for six years and the "Color TV in Every Room" sign that needs holes drilled in it and the arroyo that's going to flood because the pipes that go underneath it don't work...

Exactly. Let's not. And I always thought the slowest moving planet won.

Mercury Sextile Uranus

I don't think I've ever played Monopoly. If I did it was so long ago I can't remember and I have no idea who I might have played it with. Do I need to go on?

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Neptune Conjunct Mars...

... and squaring Uranus, Saturn opposed to Uranus and squaring Mars, Uranus approaching Mercury and squaring the Midheaven and somewhere in the middle of all that a Jupiter return  that I think is having no chance at all to manifest until I realize my airbnb-ers who just left live in Budapest and brought me some real-life Hungarian paprika.

You couldn't make it up, that's for sure.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Mercury Square Venus

I'm not sure this has anything to do with today's aspect but things are definitely looking up - I just *activated* (pulled a tab out from) the solar lights for the bnb peeps' outside steps which I bought only two months ago - huge progress.

Now if I can just replace the Anderson window opener thingie that's been here since April of 2015, set up the Blu-Ray player that came out of its box last week thanks to M, call T the plumber to deal with the low water pressure in the bnb bathroom, buy a new shade for one of the windows in the bnb room, get the room ready for this afternoon's peeps and maybe - but this is so big I don't think I should put it on today's list - take the scanner I bought THIS April to digitize old photos out of its box and get THAT set up.

I mean I don't want to get carried away or anything. It was only last week that I got the ashes out of the used-twice-this-winter fireplace, dusted off the fire screen and put cardovan shoe polish on the bricks. No need to over-do it.